jewishsatellite followers 0 Your Subscription jewishsatellite - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Pictures Music Documents Blogs Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 18 days ago23:54 jewishsatellite has liked a video Human Cloning underground The song mentioned in this video that was written about human Cloning; Heart - These Dreams (you can turn on subtitles): 18 days ago23:41 jewishsatellite has liked a video VACCINE CEO SHAPE-SHIFTS ON NBC NIGHTLY NEWS Follow us on telegram for uncensored updates: 18 days ago23:37 jewishsatellite has liked a video 911: THE DAY THE LAWS OF PHYSICS AND NATURE WERE SUSPENDED Excerpt: "According to an article in the Associated Press, the government referred to the excessive number of military drills in progress as a “bizarre coincidence.†According to many researchers there were more than 40 coinciding dril... 18 days ago22:40 jewishsatellite has liked a video An analysis of Israel's ?? & USA's ?? involvement wit... Note:- No video just talking but another OK analysis 18 days ago22:30 jewishsatellite has liked a video KIKE BACKED TERROR SQUADS MURDERING SYRIAN CIVILIANS 18 days ago22:20 jewishsatellite has liked a video 23 Die in Norway After Receiving Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine Since Dece... Mirrored from Pzelda on Bitchute 23 Die in Norway After Receiving Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine Since December 27: Officials Norway launched its Covid-19 immunization program on December 27, Twenty-three people died in Norway within days of receiving their first dose of the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine, with 13 of those deaths — all nursing home pa... 18 days ago22:20 jewishsatellite has liked a video 57-YO WOMAN IN MALAYSIA DIED IMMEDIATELY AFTER RECEIVING THE 1ST KI... MIRROR SOURCE: credits FalconsCAFE: Rallies . London 2021: 18 days ago22:19 jewishsatellite has liked a video Another 2 Boys Died After Vaccine - Possible Death Is Stated On Lab... MIRRORED FROM: About true and world: âš ï¸INVITEâš ï¸:$/invite/@SixthSense-...