LFRYARTGUY followers 9 Your Subscription LFRYARTGUY - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Pictures Music Documents Blogs Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 769 days ago01:48 LFRYARTGUY has uploaded a video United Nations Presentation > the TOXIC SKIES Agenda Almost 20 Years ago they were having concerns about Chemtrails > Weather Modification Programs < Experimenting in Our Skies causing Major Damage to the Plant Life & Future Pollination processes. Only FOOLS & the Feeble Minded of the world still believe these Man Made Clouds are just Harmless Contrails. -----------------------------... 769 days ago15:01 LFRYARTGUY has uploaded a video CLASSICS > 200 Proofs Earth is Not a Spinning Ball - Eric Dubay Probably the Most Iconic Book & Video of the Flat Earth Re-Awakening. Eric takes you through 200 of the Basic Proofs that clearly shows we are Not on a Spinning Ball. Simply stated so that anyone can understand the reasons WHY the Spherical, Spinning Earth should be questioned & is not the Reality we live in. > visit my Amazon online ... 769 days ago14:59 LFRYARTGUY has uploaded a video Absolute & Undeniable PROOF.. Flat Earth Revealed Using advanced Infrared Photography & clearly showing the Atmospheric Lensing phenomenons of Non Linear Compression / Atmospheric Compression / Refraction.. Mt San Jacinto's WHOLE mountain is seen. Yet based on the accepted Earth's curvature calculation the 10,834 ft high mountain should have been obstructed by 7775.07ft. (eye sigh... 772 days ago01:41 LFRYARTGUY has uploaded a video CLASSIC > Mark Sargent's Flat Earth Clues Flat Earth Clues is a Classic video covering many of the Geocentric / Flat Earth topics. For many people this video series of Mark Sargent & Eric Dubay's "200 Proofs" were the first introduction & ultimate catalysts to becoming Flat Earthers realizing the TRUE Reality of where we live. > visit my Amazon online store <... 772 days ago01:39 LFRYARTGUY has uploaded a video 21 Flat Earth / Geocentric questions Answered Most of the Ignorance to the Geocentric model & the Flat Earth are made by people not knowing the answers to these Basic questions. ODD TV answers these misconceptions & forms a solid foundation of knowledge to the True Reality in which we live. > visit my Amazon online store < LFRYARTGUY > Always Original > Always Unique - v... 772 days ago01:38 LFRYARTGUY has uploaded a video NASA LIES !! > We NEVER Went to the Moon! NASA was specifically formed to DECIEVE the World. Creating FAKE images of a Spherical Earth from FAKE Space to validate the Greatest of All LIES the Heliocentric System & Big Banged Evolution based Universe. NASA continues, through Deception, shaping this FALSE world concept only for the benefit of those who want to control the world. FAKIN... 810 days ago19:23 LFRYARTGUY has liked a video "IT IS BASIC GEOMETRY" EPIC FLAT EARTH RANT BY MARTY LEEDS 810 days ago19:18 LFRYARTGUY has uploaded a video The Ultimate Litmus Test > A Marty Leeds video One of my Favorite videos from 2017 - & the 1st minute of this video shows the Typical Vitriol Indoctrinated Responses, by those who haven't really looked into it, to anyone who happens to believe the True Nature of Our Reality. -------------------------- - visit my Amazon online store >> LFRYARTGUY - Originals https://www.amazon.... 816 days ago16:24 LFRYARTGUY has liked a video COVID - CRAPDATA LFRYARTGUY > Always Original > Always Unique - visit my Amazon online store >> LFRYARTGUY - Originals https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=bl_sl_s_ap_web_7141123011?ie=UTF8&node=7141123011&field-brandtextbin=LFRYARTGUY+-+Originals 816 days ago16:21 LFRYARTGUY has liked a video > The MANIACX has fooled you LFRYARTGUY > Always Original > Always Unique >> visit my Amazon online store >> LFRYARTGUY - Originals https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=bl_sl_s_ap_web_7141123011?ie=UTF8&node =7141123011&field-brandtextbin=LFRYARTGUY+-+Originals