Jakecu followers 0 Your Subscription Jakecu - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Pictures Music Documents Blogs Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 1449 days ago08:37 Jakecu has liked a video 135th GOYIMTV.COM LIVESTREAM: HT on Omegle !!! HOW TO DONATE & TELEGRAM LINKS GoyimTV Merch: www.GoyimDefenseLeague.org/shop/ Zelle: handsometruth13@gmail.com Cashapp: $goyimtv Bitcoin: 1P3pqQQvgKMnvuMgs8FYfGbbbX3yMqTqTs Buy us an Amazog giftcard and email to: HandsomeTruth13@gmail.com Mail in a Check or Money Order made to: HandsomeTruth Enterprises Box 248 911 Lakeville St Pe... 1453 days ago21:02 Jakecu has liked a video Ovens of Auschwitz MI CANAL DE TELEGRAM: https://t.me/La_Reconquista 1) Sigueme en Twitter: https://twitter.com/LordSavior14 2) Whisperss = http://whisperss.com/Trimurti_Vishnu 3) Sigueme en MINDS = minds.com/TrimurtiVishnu 4) Sigueme en BITCHUTE:https://www.bitchute.com/channel/trimurtivishnu/ 5) Sigueme en UGETube = https://videos.utahgunexchange.com/@Trimurt... 1453 days ago21:01 Jakecu has liked a video Storytime with Uncle Steve (The Jews & Their Lies by Martin Lut... Watch as Martin Luther's book against the Jews makes Steven Anderson look like a big teddy bear! Ha ha! 1453 days ago20:53 Jakecu has liked a video MGTOW: “Porn Is Excellent Entertainment†#MGTOW What a fucking loser 1453 days ago20:50 Jakecu has liked a video Obese MGTOW: "Watch Porn And You Will Feel Better" 1453 days ago20:44 Jakecu has liked a video 1491 days ago22:05 Jakecu has liked a video Concert Stream! Going till I go to Sleep! Just some tunes/live concert while I wind down for the night! Come and shitpost!