BasedTexasGoy followers 0 Your Subscription BasedTexasGoy - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Pictures Music Documents Blogs Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 148 days ago20:32 BasedTexasGoy has liked a video Jew Lovers (Cyndi Lauper - True Colors) I decided to go mask off for the intro. So now you know. 150 days ago07:54 BasedTexasGoy has liked a video Pay Them Back (Rolling Stones: Paint It Black) And I'm not talking payday loans. 150 days ago07:49 BasedTexasGoy has liked a video Khazars (Gary Numan - Cars) From the album: Zyklon B Sides Video by SleepNoMore o/ 150 days ago07:44 BasedTexasGoy has liked a video Heil Like You Mean It (The Killers - Smile Like You Mean It) LFG. High fives in the sky. o/ 150 days ago07:37 BasedTexasGoy has liked a video 'Jeet (Radiohead - Creep) Street shitters, GTFO. 150 days ago07:34 BasedTexasGoy has liked a video The Flood - 121123 - 0163 - Monday Ethnostream! Real nazis Nuke these jews: Send Crypto to Flood: Bitcoin - bc1qcd4keeerclf8llp4w5quatjzrytdaawt0pamrh Etherium - 0x05dEE030ebd5f1DBC0a984Db6c619627f1908a19 LTC - ltc1qyk5v9keqaa74rj9trtfya4qpmdplp73u7usk45 Monero - 44FLpvACZrERghCEbHJrXRAGJu8vsKtSwRFwQcykSH7qEkkY6pkMatebCtKEyNwTkE1pDZoZkSB2ZZAwzXXCHq...