Graf von Schwaben

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    The Chemo - original song | Fascist rap, NatSoc rap
    The Chemo - original song | Fascist rap, NatSoc rap
    My newest release and favorite song I've made. Heil Victory o/
  • grafvonschwaben has liked a video

    Patriot, Fascist - original song | Fascist rap, NatSoc rap
    Patriot, Fascist - original song | Fascist rap, NatSoc rap
    original song by me, enjoy.
    Follow me on Gab: @Patriot_Fascist
    Follow me on Rumble:
  • grafvonschwaben has liked a video

    One Hour of Dutch Fascist Music
    One Hour of Dutch Fascist Music
    This playlist was made only for documentation, historical and entertainmental purposes. I do not earn anything from it and I don't want to spread any particular political message. It contains a series of songs from the Dutch Legion, from the Dutch NSB and from the Flemish Legion.
    00:00 - Voorwaarts, stormsoldaat!
    02:47 - Daar ging er een s...
  • grafvonschwaben has liked a video

    10 minutes of Rexist music
    10 minutes of Rexist music
    Rexism was the ideology of the Rex party. The party's name was derived from "Christus Rex", which means "Christ is King". Rex was a Belgian nationalist party before and during World War II and was led by Léon Degrelle.
    00:00 - Rexist anthem, sung by Léon Degrelle
    01:48 - Rexist anthem, instrumental version
    03:04 - C...