Graf von Schwaben followers 0 Your Subscription Graf von Schwaben - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Pictures Music Documents Blogs Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 53 days ago14:54 grafvonschwaben has liked a video The Chemo - original song | Fascist rap, NatSoc rap My newest release and favorite song I've made. Heil Victory o/ 53 days ago14:50 grafvonschwaben has liked a video Patriot, Fascist - original song | Fascist rap, NatSoc rap original song by me, enjoy. Follow me on Gab: @Patriot_Fascist Follow me on Rumble: 57 days ago13:44 grafvonschwaben has liked a video One Hour of Dutch Fascist Music This playlist was made only for documentation, historical and entertainmental purposes. I do not earn anything from it and I don't want to spread any particular political message. It contains a series of songs from the Dutch Legion, from the Dutch NSB and from the Flemish Legion. 00:00 - Voorwaarts, stormsoldaat! 02:47 - Daar ging er een s... 61 days ago19:09 grafvonschwaben has liked a video 10 minutes of Rexist music Rexism was the ideology of the Rex party. The party's name was derived from "Christus Rex", which means "Christ is King". Rex was a Belgian nationalist party before and during World War II and was led by Léon Degrelle. 00:00 - Rexist anthem, sung by Léon Degrelle 01:48 - Rexist anthem, instrumental version 03:04 - C...