GoytubeUK followers 1 Your Subscription GoytubeUK - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Pictures Music Documents Blogs Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 1405 days ago22:43 GoytubeUK has liked a video BUSKA LIVE Tommy Robinson attends pro Israel rally get a lot of love #tommyrobinson #isreal #feelthelove i was the the train when i got a text to say the left wing Jews had condemned tommy being at the rally saying he was not welcome at the event. that was not the case many Jewish people were hugging him and asking for selfies with tommy i filmed it. 1426 days ago21:18 GoytubeUK has liked a video Zimbabwe Lady expresses her views on BLM Zimbabwe Lady expresses her views on BLM 1432 days ago20:52 GoytubeUK has liked a video BBC GETTING SCHOOLED/ WHITE LIVES DON'T MATTER/RIP TONY BBC GETTING SCHOOLED/ WHITE LIVES DON'T MATTER/RIP TONY 1432 days ago20:43 GoytubeUK has liked a video This man says it all! This man says it all! 1432 days ago20:39 GoytubeUK has liked a video in russia,woman not served(no muzzle) what happens next â£In a russian supermarket , a woman was not served cause she wasnt wearing a mask , she told her husband and this is what happened next source https://worldtruthvideos.org/@ChristIsKing 1432 days ago20:37 GoytubeUK has liked a video ONE BY ONE (2014) SHOW THIS MOVIE TO THE NORMIE The film is good for normies Names the nazi like most things though