Jona followers 0 Your Subscription Jona - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Pictures Music Documents Blogs Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 124 days ago23:49 Jona has commented on PIERS MORGAN found as plant by HT (with Dan Bil... And then obama legalized the use of propaganda in the media. https: // three spaces remove. 153 days ago07:35 Jona has liked a video Harsh Truths Are Refused By Psychological Children & The Psycho... None 153 days ago07:32 Jona has commented on Harsh Truths Are Refused By Psychological Child... In my experience, it takes 2 steps to understand something. First one must accept. secondly one must believe. Then and only then can one understand. 215 days ago13:22 Jona has commented on 634th GTV i need a daily dose of reality, GOYIMTV ROCKS. I can spell sometimes 215 days ago13:09 Jona has liked a video 634th GTV 634th GTV 215 days ago13:00 Jona has commented on THE EXPERIMENTAL VACCINES ⚰ AND THE EXTERMINATI... sad too see so many people that were not "paying attention". 256 days ago14:23 Jona has commented on Part 11 of: Learn more about these evil jews. D... I'm watchingg this now 2 days after the Trump Assasination attempt. So this event opens up clearly the notion that,"Yes we have and do and can kill anyone anywhere we wish" scenario. The door has been opened. As Trump said, they dont want me, . . they're after you. IMHO, the damage has been done. The question remains, can a race survive the onslaught of a cancer such as j3w3ry.usury? I see many that appear to be devout Americans but may not understand the depth of Honor. I will leave you with,' I recall what Patton said about fighting the wrong enemy?