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  • CrippledOldfart has commented on James Wickstrom - Revealing The Satanic Serpent...

    @Consumer666: i hate you recommend YT but you can find this video on YouTube also lol up pastor Bertram Coparet. He has excellent information on the truth of who the Israelites really are. the white anglo Saxon Protestants who fought their way across Europe and defeated the Roman army in Europe and in England.
  • CrippledOldfart has liked a video

    James Wickstrom - Revealing The Satanic Serpent Race - August 18, 2014
    James Wickstrom - Revealing The Satanic Serpent Race - August 18, 2014
    Who Are The Jews? Was Jesus A Jew?
    The First Jews Were Canaanite-Edomite-Hittite
    The Whole World Judiciary Is Manned By The Jews
    The Way Of Cain Is The World Today
  • CrippledOldfart has liked a video

    Howard Stern Alex Jones Jim Fetzer Steven Kelley Abdiel LeRoy Victor Hugo Expose Revolution Radio
    Howard Stern Alex Jones Jim Fetzer Steven Kelley Abdiel LeRoy Victo...
    Abdiel LeRoy and The Maverick Artist Victor-Hugo discuss how Howard Stern, Alex Jones, Jim Fetzer and Steven Kelley have Exposed Revolution Radio.
    If you value these truth tellers and can contribute to keep their reports coming, please do so by clic…
  • CrippledOldfart has liked a video

    USA Israel Moral Military Alex Jones Sandy Hook Child Sacrifice Dustin Nemos Abdiel LeRoy VictorHugo
    USA Israel Moral Military Alex Jones Sandy Hook Child Sacrifice Dus...
    Dustin Nemos, Abdiel LeRoy and The Maverick Artist Victor-Hugo discuss USA Israel Moral Military Alex Jones Sandy Hook Child Sacrifice.
    Dustin Nemos and The Maverick Artist Victor-Hugo discuss Trump, BlackRock, Deep State, Never Jew Alex Jones Sandy…
  • CrippledOldfart has liked a video

    The Jews And The British Empire - L Fry 1935
    The Jews And The British Empire - L Fry 1935
    Good short booklet on Britain's recent history (1935).
    Note (for those who do not know) Benjamin Disraeli is the jew who, with his entire family, went to Church every sunday, and acted as if he was a Christian, until he was elected in a Prime Minister. He then changed the law, which upto that point in time, made it illegal for jews to hold ...
  • CrippledOldfart has commented on The Protocols Of The Learned Elders Of Zion (Au...

    this "tradition"was spoken of by Jesus Christ as He knew these ppl were the bloodline of the fallen one who seduced Eve in the garden of Eden, previously known as Cananites. Jesus spoke in parables to confuse these evil ppl.
  • CrippledOldfart has liked a video

    The protocols of the learned elders of Zion
    The protocols of the learned elders of Zion
    Reads exactly like their textbook
  • CrippledOldfart has liked a video

    Satans Synagogue Use Babylonian Magic Trick 2 Enslave Humanity Europa Has Fallen VHS King VictorHugo
    Satans Synagogue Use Babylonian Magic Trick 2 Enslave Humanity Euro...
    VHS King and The Maverick Artist Victor-Hugo discuss how Synagogue Of Satan Uses Babylonian Magic Trick To Enslave Humanity and control governments.
    If you value this truth teller and can contribute to keep his reports coming, please do so by clicki…