Granter66 followers 0 Your Subscription Granter66 - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Pictures Music Documents Blogs Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 1404 days ago07:26 Granter66 has liked a video Story Time - The Protocols of Zion jews are our greatest misfortune. 1448 days ago16:39 Granter66 has liked a video Jim Rizoli BLASTS Ryan Dawson (Apr 2018) REMAKE July 2, 2020 Pseudo intellectuals living OUTSIDE the country spouting what Americans in THE U.S. Should do. Discussing endlessly AD NAUSEUM issues that don't directly relate to us DODGING AND WEAVING around the jews and the holohoax. After listening to 90 minutes of this, on a venue to which Jim was invited, once he was able to speak, HE HAD ENOUGH. - &... 1459 days ago12:53 Granter66 has liked a video For Albion We Rise - The Antiquities Of History A message for fellow British freedom fighters 🇬🇧