Jefferson72 followers 0 Your Subscription Jefferson72 - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Pictures Music Documents Blogs Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 1038 days ago19:02 Jefferson72 has disliked a video It's Judaism not Zionism, it's Chabad not Mossad We are in Year 5781 of the Jewish calender Mirrored from Das Geheimnis von Chabad: In der erfolgreichsten jüdischen Bewegung der Welt 1040 days ago21:23 Jefferson72 has liked a video 1043 days ago19:52 Jefferson72 has liked a video How Truckers Became Nazis 'How Truckers Became Nazis' by E. Michael Jones is an article that will appear in the April 2022 Issue of Culture Wars Magazine. Subscribe today: Buy Dr. Jones books: Donate: ——— Follow Dr. E. Michael Jones: Bitchute: 1043 days ago16:26 Jefferson72 has liked a video E. Michael Jones on Russia vs Ukraine Dr. Jones joins the Gabriel Sprach podcast. Dr. Jones describes the history of conflict Ukraine and how it lead to a puppet government and war. The original video was published on youtube, so words like "holocaust" were removed by the host. Original Video: Dr. E. Michael Jones is a prolific ... 1048 days ago22:08 Jefferson72 has liked a video DAY OF THE ROPE (BY WILLIAM L PIERCE) Excerpt from the book 'The Turner Diaries'- 'Day of The Rope' - William L Pierce 1051 days ago23:01 Jefferson72 has liked a video Jew's Bragging About Being HEROES of COVID !!! Congratulations to the CEO and Chairman of Pfizer, Dr. Albert Bourla, on being named 2022 Genesis Prize Laureate. Dr. Bourla received the largest number of votes in a recently concluded global campaign, during which 200,000 people in 71 countries voted online. Visit the Genesis Prize on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram: @TheGenesisPrize