Keir1970 followers 0 Your Subscription Keir1970 - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Pictures Music Documents Blogs Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 1122 days ago02:04 Keir1970 has liked a video Youtube Supports black on White Violence and White Genocide Youtube Supports black on White Violence and White Genocide 1122 days ago20:05 Keir1970 has liked a video SHIPPERS CUT OFF RUSSIA - WHEAT PRICE EXPLODES - CYBERA I do believe our food supply is under threat but, I am a bit sceptical about these merchant ships supposedly being attacked....... Shipping company "Maersk" "As Major shipping companies are cutting service to Russia and UK bans shipments from Russia, the disruption to global food sup... 1122 days ago20:04 Keir1970 has liked a video The Ultimate Red Pill You want to know the truth about the Talmudic world you live in ? Well here you are words straight from the Great Mans lips to awaken. TheGreatestStoryNeverToldTv Hail Victory. 1227 days ago16:02 Keir1970 has liked a video [English] Korean Socialism Which Guarantees Full Human NK is under the cosh of embargo and financial confiscation by the (((central banker crime families))). What is Juche ? Juche political system Unbeknown to us we may have an ally against Zio-Marxist/Maoist China and worldwide Jewish Zionism in the country known as North Korea!! The usual reason for Zio-Marxist China and Jewish Zion... 1227 days ago15:32 Keir1970 has liked a video Euroic Holy War War has always existed in some form or another ever since our early human ancestors developed the capacity to produce simple weapons of sharpened wood and stone. Group armed conflict between one tribe or clan and another occurred from the very beginning of the stone age. Wars have continued to occur throughout human history, armed conflict is a... 1227 days ago15:28 Keir1970 has liked a video The Euroic Rejection of the Globalist System The political establishment here in Britain, as well as throughout Western Europe, North America, Australasia and almost every country across the entire world is now completely corrupt. It is utterly impossible to reach a high level of political office without being compromised by being bought off, blackmailed, threatened, indebted or initiated.... 1232 days ago14:00 Keir1970 has liked a video Programming todays European children All folk need to set aside a few hours and absorb what the producer of "Europa the last battle" is telling you. We have been lied too... Democracy is "SLOW KILL" ... Back door "COMMUNISM" the psychological weapon of choice for the Covid well poisoners, money changers = the "JEWISH CENTRAL BANKER CRIME FAMMI... 1244 days ago01:44 Keir1970 has liked a video European People are being targeted. The well poisoners/money changers are on target to wipe out Europe and all the Europeans in all European nations, America, Australia, Canada, South Africa etc PLEASE SEE ALSO: Europa: The Last Battle: 3 Minute Preview - Europa: The Last Battle: 1250 days ago23:17 Keir1970 has liked a video White Lives Don't Matter Disagreeing might just (soon will) be a criminal offence. 1250 days ago23:14 Keir1970 has liked a video National Socialism: Ideology by Spero Patria #nationalsocialism #thirdreich #nsdap