Daniel-Walker followers 604 Your Subscription Daniel-Walker - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Pictures Music Documents Blogs Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 539 days ago02:24 Daniel-Walker has uploaded a video The exclusion of Anglos from 'the voice' - And Tom Tanuki With the voice to parliament drawing closer, the propaganda efforts of the yes campaign are ramping up. a common theme that I keep hearing from proponents of the voice, is that the no voters, who make up about 60% of the country, are apparently stupid or racist. lets look into this! #AusPol #voicetoparliament All my links: https://bio.link/b... 540 days ago13:34 Daniel-Walker has uploaded a video Aboriginal Cannibalism & Infanticide was common Today we do a deep dive into some Aboriginal history and culture in Australia. In Australia today, there is a lot of self hatred, guilt and shame that is deeply embedded into the culture, like a zeitgeist. The truth about the aboriginal way of life, which I wish to discuss with you in this video, is filled with Infanticide, cannibalism and an ec... 575 days ago07:02 Daniel-Walker has uploaded a video Dirty tactics of Yes23 and the Yes Vote campaign With the referendum coming up on the voice to parliament, there are a lot of dirty tactics being played by the Aboriginal Industrial Complex and their yes23 enforcers. Dirty tricks by the AEC, Top ASX companies donating tens of millions of dollars, to a slew of propaganda and online censorship. All My Links - https://bio.link/blacklistedresearch 582 days ago00:50 Daniel-Walker has uploaded a video Why does Lidia Thorpe want to destroy Australia? Radical black lives matter activist and Senator Lidia Thorpe, has declared war on Australia, again. In this video, I expose her past and uncover the truth, regarding what her agenda is and what is her end goal! be sure to share this video around! #AusPol #voicetoparliament #aboriginal #blacklivesmatter All My Links - https://bio.link/blacklis... 590 days ago14:12 Daniel-Walker has liked a video Fake Aboriginal History & Culture Revealed In recent years, various aspects of Australian history and culture have faced critical scrutiny from Activists and members of the press, who align themselves with an agenda of weaponising Aboriginal rights as a way to discredit Australian History. In this video we explore the fabrication of Aboriginal history and culture. Support my work - All ... 590 days ago14:09 Daniel-Walker has liked a video Radical 'Uluru statement' is worse than what you think! The Uluru statement from the heart is a radical manifesto drafted by 'The Referendum Council' which seeks to seperate people who identify as aboriginal, from the Australian nation. Some say its one page long, some say its 18-23 pages long, it seems to be both! check out the video as I uncover this wider agenda of the Aboriginal voice t... 590 days ago14:09 Daniel-Walker has uploaded a video Radical 'Uluru statement' is worse than what you think! The Uluru statement from the heart is a radical manifesto drafted by 'The Referendum Council' which seeks to seperate people who identify as aboriginal, from the Australian nation. Some say its one page long, some say its 18-23 pages long, it seems to be both! check out the video as I uncover this wider agenda of the Aboriginal voice t... 601 days ago09:09 Daniel-Walker has commented on Adam Green: "I'm Not An Antisemite, I... Adam Green showing his true philosemitism here... we all suspected in long ago, but he is really out of the closet now with his antichrist persona 601 days ago09:05 Daniel-Walker has uploaded a video Fake Aboriginal History & Culture Revealed In recent years, various aspects of Australian history and culture have faced critical scrutiny from Activists and members of the press, who align themselves with an agenda of weaponising Aboriginal rights as a way to discredit Australian History. In this video we explore the fabrication of Aboriginal history and culture. Support my work - All ... 610 days ago09:55 Daniel-Walker has liked a video Secret Communist Plot Behind 'Voice To Parliament' Exposed The voice to parliament is the new agenda for Australia and the support behind this big push, is anything but grass roots. Aboriginal activists and communists have been calling for this for years! be sure to check out the video as the truth might shock you! Please share this video around and be sure to support us by checking out my social link...