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    Are ya okay, white man?
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    The Jew as Criminal by Julius Streicher (1 of 9) 1937 Chapter 1 What Linguistics and Statistics Show
    The Jew as Criminal by Julius Streicher (1 of 9) 1937 Chapter 1 Wha...
    Streicher died on the gallows at Nuremberg solely for publishing a paper critical of the Jews.
    Streicher was not part of the German government during the war.
    Streicher had no role in the German war effort or in the concentration camps.
    Julius Streicher -- martyred Crusader For Truth: Juliu...
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    Man arrested after anti-Semitic group seen around South Florida
    Man arrested after anti-Semitic group seen around South Florida
    Joseph Bounds, 33 of Denver, was taken in on a misdemeanor for allegedly resisting a police officer without violence and failure to obey orders.
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    Joey GDL arrested on bullshit charges & based comments
    Joey GDL arrested on bullshit charges & based comments
    Joey GDL arrested on bullshit charges & based comments
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    Alt Right/Trad Life Cringe Comp
    Alt Right/Trad Life Cringe Comp
    Free Downloadable Podcasts.
    "Charles Giuliani – Renegade Broadcasting"
    "Truth Hertz: Jesus the jew (11-24-20) – Renegade Broadcasting"
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    Man arrested after anti-Semitic group seen around South Florida
    Man arrested after anti-Semitic group seen around South Florida
    Joseph Bounds, 33 of Denver, was taken in on a misdemeanor for allegedly resisting a police officer without violence and failure to obey orders.
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    HIDDEN MATHEMATICS - Randall Carlson - Ancient Knowledge of Space, Time & Cosmic Cycles
    HIDDEN MATHEMATICS - Randall Carlson - Ancient Knowledge of Space, ...
    Randall Carlson is a master builder and architectural designer, teacher, geometrician, geomythologist, geological explorer and renegade scholar. This presentation takes a deep dive into the realm of sacred geometry, ancient stone monuments and the hidden mathematics that is embedded in things we use everyday. 
    This lecture is from the "C...
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    They Shall Not Grow Old British troops thoughts on german soldiers
    They Shall Not Grow Old British troops thoughts on german soldiers
    They Shall Not Grow Old British troops thoughts on german soldiers