Euroicism followers 48 Your Subscription Euroicism - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Pictures Music Documents Blogs Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 754 days ago21:22 Euroicism has liked a video The Flood - 081024 - 0351 - Saturday Soundcheck with Trapp Rabbit! Trapp Rabbit joins in hour 3! Support: Crypto: Bitcoin - bc1qcd4keeerclf8llp4w5quatjzrytdaawt0pamrh Etherium - 0x05dEE030ebd5f1DBC0a984Db6c619627f1908a19 LTC - ltc1qyk5v9keqaa74rj9trtfya4qpmdplp73u7usk45 Monero - 44FLpvACZrERghCEbHJrXRAGJu8vsKtSwRFwQcykSH7qEkkY6pkMatebC... 754 days ago21:18 Euroicism has uploaded a video The Flood - 081024 - 0351 - Saturday Soundcheck with Trapp Rabbit! Trapp Rabbit joins in hour 3! Support: Crypto: Bitcoin - bc1qcd4keeerclf8llp4w5quatjzrytdaawt0pamrh Etherium - 0x05dEE030ebd5f1DBC0a984Db6c619627f1908a19 LTC - ltc1qyk5v9keqaa74rj9trtfya4qpmdplp73u7usk45 Monero - 44FLpvACZrERghCEbHJrXRAGJu8vsKtSwRFwQcykSH7qEkkY6pkMatebC... 866 days ago22:43 Euroicism has liked a video Euroic Views on the Demographic Holocaust The arguments and excuses of liberal progressives never stand up to scrutiny or to history. When I was a child at school there was a history teacher who also taught art. He was a thin and sickly, weak and feminine left-wing liberal, a greasy haired progressive, a slimy slave of the system. One day he stood up in front of class and said in his dr... 866 days ago22:40 Euroicism has uploaded a video Euroic Views on the Demographic Holocaust The arguments and excuses of liberal progressives never stand up to scrutiny or to history. When I was a child at school there was a history teacher who also taught art. He was a thin and sickly, weak and feminine left-wing liberal, a greasy haired progressive, a slimy slave of the system. One day he stood up in front of class and said in his dr... 901 days ago22:49 Euroicism has liked a video Euroic Views on the Slaves of Our Enemies The blatant hypocrisy and flagrant incongruence of the subhuman creatures known as progressives, leftists or liberals is glaringly obvious. The most accurate definition of political leftism is total surrender, utter compliance, complete submission and absolute obedience to the ruling class and the institutions they control. Being a left-wing pro... 901 days ago22:49 Euroicism has uploaded a video Euroic Views on the Slaves of Our Enemies The blatant hypocrisy and flagrant incongruence of the subhuman creatures known as progressives, leftists or liberals is glaringly obvious. The most accurate definition of political leftism is total surrender, utter compliance, complete submission and absolute obedience to the ruling class and the institutions they control. Being a left-wing pro... 946 days ago01:35 Euroicism has liked a video INTELLIGENCE AND POLITICS - EUROIC RESPONSE TO EDWARD DUTTON Although Edward Dutton is generally quite popular among many people who describe themselves as Nationalists, he is merely adjacent to our movement. Dutton describes himself as a high conservative rather than a racial Nationalist. He does occasionally speak about the globalist policies of demographic replacement against Europeans, but in many reg... 946 days ago01:34 Euroicism has uploaded a video INTELLIGENCE AND POLITICS - EUROIC RESPONSE TO EDWARD DUTTON Although Edward Dutton is generally quite popular among many people who describe themselves as Nationalists, he is merely adjacent to our movement. Dutton describes himself as a high conservative rather than a racial Nationalist. He does occasionally speak about the globalist policies of demographic replacement against Europeans, but in many reg... 992 days ago01:58 Euroicism has liked a video Euroic Counter to Christian Counter-Arguments I recently read a book called Hammer Of The Patriot by Charles Chapel and published by a nationalist publisher called Claymore Books. I'm not going to review or critique this book as a whole as this has already been done by Mark Collett of Patriotic Alternative and I broadly agree with his overall positive view of the book. Instead I'm... 992 days ago01:58 Euroicism has uploaded a video Euroic Counter to Christian Counter-Arguments I recently read a book called Hammer Of The Patriot by Charles Chapel and published by a nationalist publisher called Claymore Books. I'm not going to review or critique this book as a whole as this has already been done by Mark Collett of Patriotic Alternative and I broadly agree with his overall positive view of the book. Instead I'm...