DanDumitrescu11 followers 0 Your Subscription DanDumitrescu11 - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Pictures Music Documents Blogs Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 431 days ago23:57 DanDumitrescu11 has liked a video Meanwhile, in Lisbon, Portugal… Source: https://twitter.com/AfonsoJFG 431 days ago23:48 DanDumitrescu11 has liked a video Meanwhile, in the Polish Parliment... ? Basically, they were telling him to be ashamed of himself and his reply was that "those who participate in these satanic, talmudic acts" should be ashamed. https://pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grzegorz_Braun https://notesfrompoland.com/2023/12/12/far-right-mp-expelled-from-polish-parliament-after-spraying-hanukkah-candles-with-fire-extingui...