Jrs13 followers 0 Your Subscription Jrs13 - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Pictures Music Documents Blogs Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 545 days ago20:28 Jrs13 has liked a video USS Liberty The Unmentioned Parts - Survivor Richard Larry Weaver 108morris108 Interview with USS Liberty survivor Richard Larry Weaver from my archives. 108morris108 channel: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/VTYOXPcqy3yM/ 546 days ago03:19 Jrs13 has liked a video The International Jew - Volume 1 - Chapter 11 - Jewish Estimate Of ... The International Jew - Volume 1 - Chapter 11 - Jewish Estimate Of Gentile Human Nature Support the Project: CashApp: $OMGitsFLOOD HandCash: $OMGitsFLOOD https://entropystream.live/app/flood Crypto: Bitcoin - bc1qcd4keeerclf8llp4w5quatjzrytdaawt0pamrh Etherium - 0x05dEE030ebd5f1DBC0a984Db6c619627f1908a19 LTC - ltc1qyk5v9keqaa74rj9trt... 546 days ago03:01 Jrs13 has liked a video The International Jew - Volume 1 - Chapter 10 - An Introduction To ... The International Jew - Volume 1 - Chapter 10 - An Introduction To The Jewish Protocols Support the Project: CashApp: $OMGitsFLOOD HandCash: $OMGitsFLOOD https://entropystream.live/app/flood Crypto: Bitcoin - bc1qcd4keeerclf8llp4w5quatjzrytdaawt0pamrh Etherium - 0x05dEE030ebd5f1DBC0a984Db6c619627f1908a19 LTC - ltc1qyk5v9keqaa74rj9trt... 546 days ago18:04 Jrs13 has liked a video 477th GTV 477th GTV 546 days ago17:26 Jrs13 has liked a video 476th GTV 476th GTV 550 days ago15:23 Jrs13 has liked a video 475th GTV DONATE TO HATE! Thank you and God bless! If you want to offline donate... heres the link https://entropystream.live/app/HT GabPay.Live @HandsomeTruth Help HT & Friends Get a House: https://www.givesendgo.com/GAAPV Crypto Donations Below! Bitcoin BTC: bc1q6x6xfkhfcs5hwm52rpxaf4rqcmnas3xzzhq2y6 ETH Etheruem: 0xFb9cBEDA9ccE8A4a1be438c9e... 552 days ago18:58 Jrs13 has liked a video Mein Kampf Chapter 1 About a month ago someone on YT posted Emma Watson reading Mein Kampf, it was just an audio file, and a very short one, but it went viral because the pearl clutchers were aghast with horror and kvetch. I thought it a particularly interesting idea, as I found her voice interesting, and this led me to actually listening to the subject matter. H... 552 days ago18:50 Jrs13 has liked a video Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf - Complete Audio Book GAB = https://gab.com/TrimurtiVishnu MINDS = minds.com/TrimurtiVishnu Twitter: https://twitter.com/LordSavior14 UGETube = https://videos.utahgunexchange.com/@Trimurti%20Vishnu 552 days ago18:50 Jrs13 has liked a video Mein Kampf by Adolf Hitler Audiobook (1925) - The Ford Translation ... Please note that in Volume 2 Chapters 6-9 the voice of the narrator James Smith has been replaced by an automated voice. This is probably due to copyright issues maliciously raised by flaggers determined to stop any audiobook of Mein Kampf from being publicly and freely available online. If anyone knows where I can download an underinterrupted...