The Fascifist followers 870 Your Subscription The Fascifist - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Pictures Music Documents Blogs Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 1414 days ago04:05 The Fascifist has liked a video Hideki Tojo: Faith of Victory 1414 days ago04:03 The Fascifist has uploaded a video Hideki Tojo: Faith of Victory 1416 days ago22:31 The Fascifist has liked a video Roosevelt Betrays America 1416 days ago22:28 The Fascifist has uploaded a video Roosevelt Betrays America 1424 days ago22:53 The Fascifist has liked a video America is Guilty: Why Japan Declared War Why did Japan attack Pearl Harbor? This video reveals the reason 1425 days ago04:20 The Fascifist has uploaded a video America is Guilty: Why Japan Declared War Why did Japan attack Pearl Harbor? This video reveals the reason 1430 days ago03:59 The Fascifist has uploaded a video Why I am not Political 1439 days ago05:31 The Fascifist has liked a video The Jews and the British Empire (1935) Audio Book Reading by The Fascifist 1439 days ago05:06 The Fascifist has uploaded a video The Jews and the British Empire (1935) Audio Book Reading by The Fascifist 1440 days ago22:19 The Fascifist has uploaded a video The Battle for Miggerhausen (1937) Animated Advertisment for Radio