unhappyapple4 followers 0 Your Subscription unhappyapple4 - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Pictures Music Documents Blogs Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 1353 days ago01:52 unhappyapple4 has liked a video 1353 days ago01:34 unhappyapple4 has disliked a video "We'll Convert Your Children" - San Francisco Gay Choir Link to original video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YW6p6z7yYlY This like is from DC (Ben Shapiro's website). Be sure to let his subscribers know WHO pushes this agenda as he won't do that! #SanFrancisco #ReportChildAbuse #LGBTQ ☕ BUY ME A COFFEE PLEASE (minor shilling, but hey this is work) ☕ https://www.paypal.me/zionistrep... 1506 days ago02:53 unhappyapple4 has liked a video Why Did World Jewry Genocide Four Million Indians Through Their Pup... An Indian politician has put Winston Churchill in the same category as some of “the worst genocidal dictators†of the 20th century because of his complicity in the Bengal Famine. Dr Shashi Tharoor, whose new book Inglorious Empire chronicles the atrocities of the British Empire, argued the former British Prime Minister’s reputation as a g... 1506 days ago02:22 unhappyapple4 has liked a video A MrE video I found! (One of the first and BEST transvestigators th... I found this on the same elite gender inversion exposing website I found the beetle videos... MrE had several channel on youtube but ALL of them were deleted / terminated. 1506 days ago02:14 unhappyapple4 has liked a video Massive Pedogate Camp Found and Exposed in Arizona https://steemit.com/@urbanmoving For the articles covering Backyard Brawl THEY FOUND UNDERGROUND HIDDEN BUNKER WITH CHAIN TO LIFE CHILDREN OUT MAP OF TRAFFICKING SITES BLOODY KNIFE BONESAW BLOODY CHILDREN CLOTHES HAIR DYE RAPE TREES AND STRAPS TO KIDS DOWN TO CHAIRS LUBE, BLUEPRINTS, TRAFFICKING MAP, AND PAYOUT LEDGER TO THE PEDOPHILES https:/...