BasedChad followers 0 Your Subscription BasedChad - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Pictures Music Documents Blogs Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 1518 days ago20:49 BasedChad has liked a video The crucifixion of Russia - Bolshevik Documentary (Censored from YT) Bolshevism and its toll on Russia and the East of Europe was one of the most devastating atrocities that ever occurred. While most Genocides are fairly recorded in the history books, the impact of Bolshevism and Marxism is still very unclear to most. For the most part, those who died at the hands of Bolshevism did so silently, with the world eit... 1520 days ago15:28 BasedChad has liked a video The American Revolution (Documentary HD by The Fascifist) 1523 days ago18:31 BasedChad has liked a video On the Accusation that Hitler was Financed (Revised Version) None