SCOTTFREE followers 2 Your Subscription SCOTTFREE - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Pictures Music Documents Blogs Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 1316 days ago05:26 SCOTTFREE has liked a video 102 Year old Ruth was taught the Earth was FLAT! Do you want the red pill or the blue pill? The choice is yours. If you want to know the truth about our flat world, watch these videos in order and there will be no turning back. You might want to also get the app. Flat Earth Sun & Moon Clock app by Blue Water Bay https... 1323 days ago17:10 SCOTTFREE has liked a video Dr Vladimir Zelenko on "The Poison Death Shot" ~ Testifie... Dr. Zelenko presents fact-based evidence re. the mrna shots to an astonished group of Rabbis. "This is an artificially made bio-weapon." -- Dr. Zelenko Worldometer websites Dr. Zelenko referred to: AND Mirrored from FritjofPersson channel https://www.bitchut... 1324 days ago01:29 SCOTTFREE has liked a video My very first jew call 🥰🥰 This caller pretends to be chummy with Jesse, calling him "my friend," but acts extremely phony, a total snake — anyone can see through him. He keeps trying to make Jesse "name the Jews" as the children of the lie. He blames "Jewish subversion" and "Baby Boomers" for the way the country's gone, but ... 1324 days ago19:34 SCOTTFREE has liked a video Vaxx Realism -It's not depopulation its much worse 06-20 Vaxx Realism -It's not depopulation its much worse 06-20 1325 days ago14:40 SCOTTFREE has liked a video TOXIC VACCINES HAVE KILLED 1-2 MILLION AMERICANS !! PEOPLE NEED TO ... TOXIC VACCINES HAVE KILLED 1-2 MILLION AMERICANS !! PEOPLE NEED TO WAKE UP 1326 days ago13:44 SCOTTFREE has liked a video 179th GOYIMTV.COM LIVESTREAM: Telegram Talk! Race Traitor White Typ... Having Issues With the stream? watch here 1326 days ago06:17 SCOTTFREE has liked a video Classic Sam Hyde Dropping Redpills on Jews and Homosexuality to Lib... As the title says - a classic from 2014. Sam was a trailblazer. 1335 days ago21:54 SCOTTFREE has uploaded a video Kali Muscle on Hitler Kali Muscle on Hitler 1335 days ago21:53 SCOTTFREE has uploaded a video Kali Muscle on Hitler Kali Muscle on Hitler