The Hidden HisStory of Man Kind Archive - followers 29 Your Subscription The Hidden HisStory of Man Kind Archive - - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Pictures Music Documents Blogs Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 259 days ago00:04 NemosNewsNetwork has uploaded a video God's Not Dead And His Name Is YHWH (Dustin Nemos Unofficial M... 259 days ago21:47 NemosNewsNetwork has uploaded a video DEBATISM Ep3 | Adam Green vs Dustin Nemos | Christianity... Truth o... ? Please support our sponsors On Sale Now - CarbonShield60 Oil Infusions 15% OFF Go to >> Coupon Code: NEMOS Source: jeranism VanMan's Miracle Tooth Powder www.RedPillLiv… 470 days ago15:32 NemosNewsNetwork has commented on 503rd GTV Patriots are NOT in control. But they will be. Soon. The Wrath of the Awakened Saxon comes. All of this was written down – on both sides, long ago. Gods prophecies are being fulfilled, for those who are watching the very specific signs come to pass. They had their self fulfilling “prophecies” as well, prescient documents laying out the plan to poison us by becoming Dr’s. Enslave us by becoming Politicians, Judges, and Lawyers. And to lead us away from God by becoming clergymen and priests. The stories of giants, such as Goliath? Their ancestors. Nephilim Hybrids from Genesis 6. Welcome to the Seed War of Genesis 3:15 470 days ago15:30 NemosNewsNetwork has commented on 503rd GTV @Christianhonesty: "Yeshu" is a Talmudic Jewish slang for Yeshuah - Yeshu means may his name be blotted out. 471 days ago23:40 NemosNewsNetwork has commented on 503rd GTV @kremush: has quite a bit on this too. 471 days ago23:38 NemosNewsNetwork has commented on 503rd GTV @Ididntdoit: and 471 days ago21:04 NemosNewsNetwork has commented on 503rd GTV @TinaBrave911: "Aliens" - 471 days ago21:04 NemosNewsNetwork has commented on 503rd GTV @TinaBrave911: The first language was Thracian or some previous paleo hebrew to that. 471 days ago21:03 NemosNewsNetwork has commented on 503rd GTV Re: The Canadian convoy and Global Cov19 criminal court case The Jew’dicial Con’voy "Well done mother truckers!" #FreedomConvoy #FreedomTrucker #NoVaccine #NoVaccineMandate #NoVaccinePassport 471 days ago21:03 NemosNewsNetwork has commented on 503rd GTV @TinaBrave911: Saturn=Satan, the planets were Gods, fallen angels - rebels. Who will never win. and are doomed, and are the reason Jews and Giants and Monsters were made at all.