panzerfaust followers 0 Your Subscription panzerfaust - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Pictures Music Documents Blogs Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 226 days ago01:31 panzerfaust has liked a video David Irving on Holocaust Lies (Circa 1980s), Aug 3, 2024 Holocaust Lie exposed by David Irving - The Leuchter Report - David's epiphany He, Mark Weber and David Cole believe in Partial Gassings (Gas Chambers now): 226 days ago01:30 panzerfaust has liked a stream Appeal to Reason: Saxon Edition Appeal to Reason: Saxon Edition | OME TV Viewer Note: This is show is for "entertainment purposes" only, we don't condone violence or harassment here at the MoonManMacShow. Not responsible for those who find this offensive or hurtful, opinions are opinions and facts are facts. Remember the 1st amendment exist and it isn't... 235 days ago11:08 panzerfaust has liked a video The Holocaust Psyop, July 27, 2024 How psychological warfare shapes belief & culture Another video exposing the HoloHoax 1209 days ago19:18 panzerfaust has liked a video The Synagogue of Satan 1251 days ago13:50 panzerfaust has liked a video 100 PROOFS the lsraelites were WHITE Who are the modern European people and where did they come from? The following is a list which undoubtedly proves the ancient lsraelites were white. That the Anglo-Saxon, Celtic, Germanic European people today are in fact the true and only descendants of lsrael who inherited all the promises made to our forefathers. That virtually all of the... 1406 days ago02:04 panzerfaust has liked a video The Anne Frank Diary - A Hoax [1982] Ernst Zundel, Ditlieb Felderer and Eric Thomson dissect the famous "diary".