Tao1972 followers 0 Your Subscription Tao1972 - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Pictures Music Documents Blogs Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 240 days ago22:02 Tao1972 has liked a video Owen Benjamin expose Jewish pathological thinking Owen Benjamin is a comedian who has been dissed by the Jews but in this video he gives a masterful explanation of the psychological reasons why the Jews are so pathological and do the things they do. There's nothing wrong with calling a spade a spade here. Please watch this video. This is a masterful presentation that everyone in the world ... 240 days ago21:49 Tao1972 has liked a video Benjamin Franklin Warned US About the Jews The Founding Fathers (Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, and Thomas Jefferson) warned us about the Jews. Specifically, how the American system was antithetical to their nature, and how they would work to change it (which they have). *** Trigger Warning - watch at your own risk Jews mistreat Christians in Israel: PALESTINIAN CHRISTIANS UNDE... 240 days ago21:23 Tao1972 has liked a video Man explains the dilemma with jews and flyers and the importance of... Something ........ANYTHING 240 days ago21:22 Tao1972 has liked a video History of Multiculturalism 16x9 Grim-Animation of EVIL-Incarnate-J... The ONLY WAY to TRULY-ERASE the Terrible-PAIN of the REALITY of the Tragic-20th-Century ... IS to NOW STOP and REVERSE the Jew-DESTRUCTION of the Entire-WORLD !!! Yes! It is NOT: "Easy"... THAT is: "Taking-Drugs" "Suicide" and "Playing-Video-Games"-&- "Watching"-((("Entertainment"))... 240 days ago21:15 Tao1972 has favorited a video Dumbass comparing jews to nazis instead of noticing how nazis wante... Lets not forget GERMANS were the very first Palestinians. Being that jews owned all wealth and impoverished germans citizens years ago, starving them, and they were smart enough to notice thats the nicest way to kill people, the jews starve you so kindly. 240 days ago21:15 Tao1972 has liked a video Dumbass comparing jews to nazis instead of noticing how nazis wante... Lets not forget GERMANS were the very first Palestinians. Being that jews owned all wealth and impoverished germans citizens years ago, starving them, and they were smart enough to notice thats the nicest way to kill people, the jews starve you so kindly. 240 days ago21:14 Tao1972 has liked a video Jewish Rabbi Supports the Destruction of Christianity: "Islami... Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/This-is-Christian-Europe-408404075957505 Jewish Rabbi supports the destruction of Christianity, says the Islamization of Europe is "good news" for Jews. Those who call themselves Christians but are Zionists or support the Jewish world in some way need to realize that Jews and Muslims ar... 240 days ago21:12 Tao1972 has liked a video Israel supports the Kurds in north Syria (TV7 Israel News) 07/11/19 None 240 days ago21:06 Tao1972 has favorited a video JEWS are child KILLERS! And anyone who supports jews will be german... https://t.me/Shadows_Of_Darkness We well on our way to having the entire world turn on America and we can DEFINITELY count on a jewish BACKSTAB from within.....