MW577 followers 0 Your Subscription MW577 - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Pictures Music Documents Blogs Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 540 days ago15:38 MW577 has favorited a video Benjamin Franklin on the jews Quotes of a founding father 540 days ago15:36 MW577 has favorited a video Jim Presents - The Red Cross and The Camps in WWII, Oct 3, 2023 Red Cross didn't see any extermination policy going on in the camps. They were more concerned with taking care of the people. The ICRC and the detainees in Nazi concentration camps (1942–1945) 945 days ago12:03 MW577 has favorited a video 977 days ago16:56 MW577 has favorited a video The Upward Path (Our Purpose Our Destiny). Dr. William Luther Pierce Dr. William Luther Pierce Now educate yourselves re the unspoken of History of WWII Europa: The Last Battle: The True Origin and Meaning of The Swastika (For Those Who Can Handle It): 'Europa: The Last Battle' Review #1: https://www.bitc... 1101 days ago12:31 MW577 has liked a video The 1000 Year Kingdom and Jacob's Trouble This is a sneak preview of a larger project I'm working on. Praise YHWH 1140 days ago06:26 MW577 has favorited a video Bishop Richard Williamson - Jews Were Not Gassed & There was No... After this Interview Bishop Richard Williamson was sent to jail for speaking truth Learn The Truth, Revise History and forget what main stream TV, Books and school teaches about our history - Remember, Only the Victors get to write history. Do your own research for the Truth - SEE BELOW Recommended Docs - Europa - The Last Battle (slightly shor...