Be White if you’re White and stop acting like a Nigger or a Spic.

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Joined Mar 25, 2023

Very tired of seeing Whites acting like like another race. White People need to be proud of their race, we’ve done more than any other race and we are the true chosen ones. Why else would the Creator have made us on the average more intelligent than any other race? We have let the jews literally take over our country and run it into the ground. Effectively making us third class citizens in our own countries. It’s time we work together and help each, not let these criminals and parasites turn us against one another. And now it should be obvious to all that these same peoples want us dead, genocided. Even some of our own race are helping them. This is a betrayal of the worst kind, to see Whites turning on other Whites. We are in a war that will determine the very survival of our people. To those who are still on the fence, you are going to have to choose a side whether you want too or not. Join their side and they will kill you and your loved ones when your no longer of use too them, so knowing this should make your decision easier.