SpanishInquisitor followers 0 Your Subscription SpanishInquisitor - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Pictures Music Documents Blogs Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 1393 days ago19:00 SpanishInquisitor has liked a video LifeSite News and the "Diabolical Re-Emergence of Antisemitism... LifeSite News, the premier outlet for pro-life news and information has recently published an opinion piece titled "Christians must resist the diabolical re-emergence of antisemitism." Dr. E. Michael Jones, the editor of Culture Wars magazine, is joined by Dana Pavlic to discuss some of the implications of this. Article from LifeSite: ... 1395 days ago23:05 SpanishInquisitor has liked a video 153rd GOYIMTV.COM LIVESTREAM: Jovi Val Law Suit ! & HT on REVOL... Bitcoin: bc1q6k3fwg07m64j03h9v9y9d4ad5r4q63w54jqlw3 Monero: 82UG9Ev2GLV6ADYovES5SJG5rdcbLbvkjY7otvzAVsJdDc7aJPJdADE3nb87mm5TuY97EvT2GggovBRag84YmtKR3jWoaBj Ethereum: 0x5155Db38aE3515651FD48515EF0954C88946a824 XRP: rGK8wavg3m4RgXZyR5zKafAf1DcUDFVnBT Bitcoin Cash: qqfw88qvh8psc29vh0sk5kn270du2l4j7u35jaheda Litecoin: ltc1qa6wuj9knehcy6xhxt9er...