The Brian Ruhe Show

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Joined Jun 12, 2023

Brian Ruhe is raising awareness about the alien agenda for human advancement. The E.T.s effect the highest powers on earth, which is what Goyim TV is concerned with. This goes beyond humans.
Brian Ruhe's top three priorities for all of humanity are:
Follow the alien agenda for planet earth with their centuries long process. Aspire for humanity to transform into human/ET hybrids and join a good federation of planets as the absolute goal for the new humans on Earth.

Full government UFO disclosure is wrong because the world can’t handle the truth. Politicians, the armed forces, as well as the general population cannot be trusted with the exotic technology of anti-gravity, free energy, back engineered UFOs, etc. I support gradual disclosure and believe that governments probably are following the Grey’s wisdom on how much to disclose and when.

The mysterious truth about globalist international Talmudic power, working for negative reptilians and good aliens too. The Talmudists control all major aspects of human civilization – national governments, politicians, the media, academia, international banking, medicine, you name it – everything of importance.

The falsification of history. In the present moment, the media is grossly lying about today’s history. We’ve been lied to about this century, the 20th century and past centuries, going back billions of years. This includes the truth about WW II and the truth about ancient advanced global civilizations.

Give us our true history to illuminate our culture and give us advances in knowledge but not advances in technology, as in #1 above.

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