YouKnowJewDo followers 0 Your Subscription YouKnowJewDo - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Pictures Music Documents Blogs Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 1712 days ago21:08 YouKnowJewDo has liked a video Ryan Dawson before selling out 1725 days ago17:28 YouKnowJewDo has liked a video Peaceful protesting with #BLM #ANTIFA There is a consistent narrative circulating the internet, perpetuated by the mainstream media, corporations and left wing influencers. The narrative of a peacefully protesting. How well does this narrative hold up when put to the test? George Floyd - aspiring porn star and rapper - Recently died, with the original autopsy report claiming no murd... 1725 days ago17:17 YouKnowJewDo has liked a video #BLM #ANTIFA BOLSHEVIK LESBIAN MANIFESTO Mission or Manifesto ? Grabbled from Johnny Gat (@vigilante_intel): 1725 days ago17:11 YouKnowJewDo has liked a video