The Keys to the Kingdom have been Hidden in Plain Sight!

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  • CubeBuster has commented on NEW GTV 738 NEW

    What if this is ALL the BEAST SYSTEM!  ... Jesus live outside the beast system... JUST RESEARCH IT.   'The monied' he went after.  We should all be able to live on the planet freely and survive outside fees, licenses, laws, ... can you see this?
  • CubeBuster has commented on NEW GTV 738 NEW

    Ian Carrol...he is suspicious why!? because he said 2 times in a week that Smedley Butler said he 'stopped' a NAZI coup agaisnt the US ... NO NO IT WAS A Communist coup!  Huge difference!
  • CubeBuster has commented on NEW GTV 738 NEW

    I follow Jesus, and still side completely with my 'euro/west/white' hertiage.  Why...because I think that is what Christ was. I think we have been so lied to!!!  And... I think the whole Jesus message was HOW TO LEAVE THE 'BEAST' SYSTEM ...which was completely alive in the Roman age.  They carried a 'coin' just like what our SS card is today for the benies they had.  It was to live OUTSIDE the slave system and live off the earth as we were born freely.  Jesus said... man is born without a place to lay his head.  He lived COMPLETELY outside the system.  Look up the did they and eventually were slaughtered by the vatican.
  • CubeBuster has commented on NEW GTV 738 NEW

    Suspended on X in Feb... no reason, no communication whatsoever... wish I could follow you.  I had a 'blue tag' still before and then shadow banned.
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    NEW GTV 738 NEW
    NEW GTV 738 NEW
    NEW GTV 738 NEW
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    732nd GTV
    732nd GTV
    732nd GTV
  • CubeBuster has commented on 730th GTV

    This has been for 2k years.  Jesus warned us over an over...they killed him.  this is how devious, and yah... how naive, eloy we are?  I don't think it's 'soft'.  Please, they are psychopaths, they lie, steal, rob, r^pe anytime they want... 'they think this is ok!'  We the euro/white/yes christian... DON'T WANT TO LIVE IN CHAOS.  So they are like a virus that just comes in.  It is so devious ... we just DON'T THINK this way.  Rothchilds Ju $$ was hear in the beginning!  100k whites were brought here as slaves ... we are always being 'custodian'd'.  We are being culled by the millions right now.  this is a reset.  It is very disheartening.  All the chickens, eggs, ... food are being 'kyled' too.  They are poisoning them, they poisoning us... Weather warfare!    Please the White man does NOT think like these evil devious snakes do.  I don't want to live that way... it is HOW they live - ALWAYS!
  • CubeBuster has liked a video

    730th GTV
    730th GTV
    730th HB GTV.
  • CubeBuster has commented on 726th GTV

    This Anderson guy I use to follow too...  again, just another subversive creep!  This is so sad.  DON'T give you dna to anyone!  You have NO idea what if they can even analyze any of this.  It could be ALL LIES!