Tears for Fears followers 2 Your Subscription Tears for Fears - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Pictures Music Documents Blogs Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 1195 days ago13:37 solvermist has liked a video Australian Government Registered Company On US Stock Market IMPORTANT: The Australian Government is operating as an UNLAWFUL CORPORATION, which has usurped and vandalized the constitution of the Commonwealth of Australia and continues to actively engage in repositioning itself against the will of the citizens who trustingly elected them to office. The Australian Government has for many years continually ... 1212 days ago11:15 solvermist has liked a video Where'd You Go 1243 days ago08:12 solvermist has liked a video Hidden History & Word Magic How do we know what words mean, and how have they "the dark" created a language that means something else for them and another for us. 1244 days ago12:18 solvermist has liked a video How to Operate a Human via Remote Control For all we know, those who've had the deep brain biopsy swab could possibly, via nano-tattoo & subsequent forming of synthetic 3rd DNA-strand, be on 'remote control' already. They weren't far from it to begin with! https://twitter.com/RGoyl/status/1323716688790069248 Dr. Charles Morgan speaks to cadets and faculty at Wes... 1344 days ago14:20 solvermist has liked a video king's sheep