Mudfossils and truths , If you believe in a spinning ball thru space at a speed of a 1000 miles an hour and passing thru space at 65000 miles an hour , You are nuts .

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I believe in a creator , I did not to beaguinn with but after watching mudfossil universety made by Roger Spurr , I found my own explenation on questions I had . And boy they lead me to explore the earth in a new way . If you look at google earth with eyes to see , every stream , every water way as a vain or artery it just makes more sence than "Sience" Cuse sience says it takes millions of years to petrifie flesh to stone . And then they found the foot in a booth in the 80 tis or 90 tis. I cant remmeber . But someone found a booth in a river stream with the foot still in it turned to sand or chalk stone , and someone who work att that company that made those booths saw it and said it was made in 1936 or there about . Roger found a tank from the Joguslavia that is turning into stone ....... so I guess that saince is wrong again .