Mark91981 followers 1 Your Subscription Mark91981 - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Pictures Music Documents Blogs Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 2 days ago06:24 Mark91981 has favorited a video Zionism and communism exposed and its Origins YouTube deleted my account I made a bitchute account to have my freedom of speech to support Channel please like share and subscribe thanks 2 days ago06:19 Mark91981 has liked a video Zionism and communism exposed and its Origins YouTube deleted my account I made a bitchute account to have my freedom of speech to support Channel please like share and subscribe thanks 2 days ago08:44 Mark91981 has favorited a video The Truth About ZOG America None 2 days ago08:44 Mark91981 has liked a video The Truth About ZOG America None 2 days ago08:43 Mark91981 has favorited a video The Day Israel Attacked America Excellent Al Jazeera documentary investigates the shocking truth behind a deadly Israeli attack on a US naval vessel. 2 days ago08:40 Mark91981 has liked a video The Parasite, The Greatest Crimes Ever Sold The Parasite, How Israel sells US Tech to America’s Enemies This will premiere and then be only on Bitchute after 24hrs 2 days ago08:36 Mark91981 has liked a video Blacks attacking Jews whats up. Blacks seem to be the ones doing this. 2 days ago08:31 Mark91981 has liked a video Suck My Dick Jew, I Hate Jews Suck My Dick Jew, I Hate Jews 16 days ago22:38 Mark91981 has liked a video Pastor Anderson Resisting the Devil Then, Resisting the Devil Now 17 days ago05:54 Mark91981 has liked a video 733rd GTV 733 GTV Resync