ElderOfZion followers 0 Your Subscription ElderOfZion - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Pictures Music Documents Blogs Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 1360 days ago15:45 ElderOfZion has favorited a video William Cooper - Treason Documented Part 6 Handsome Truth needs to talk to and interview Eric Jon Phelps / Johnny Cirucci. (SEND THESE VIDEOS TO HANDSOME TRUTH ASAP) This article explains and answers all your questions about whos in charge of the world and how they're doing it. https://www.humorousmathematics.com/post/the-black-nobility-jesuit-order-founders-of-fascism-freema... 1366 days ago14:02 ElderOfZion has favorited a video J Q deniers Jews want to call us Holocaust deniers but to be a denier you must deny something that is true but there is no evidence to prove that jews were gassed to death but there is evidence that jews are over-represented in the category of power, which is government, media and economics and (((they))) are destroying Western Civilization. So anyone who d... 1369 days ago16:51 ElderOfZion has favorited a video JEW BANKERS DESTROYING THE WEST - (MIRROR) - 4/25/2021 - Harry Vox 1370 days ago02:41 ElderOfZion has favorited a video How Women Are Paid To Make Other Women Look Bad Cue the woman hating faggots in 3...2...1 https://fuckthejews.com/ RenegadeBroadcasting.com 1370 days ago02:35 ElderOfZion has favorited a video China reverses it family planning policy. Now that they have infect... 1370 days ago02:26 ElderOfZion has favorited a video THE LIES JUST DON'T END - FORMER PFIZER VICE-PRESIDENT WARNS Y... https://www.bloomberg.com/profile/person/17885352 Former Pfizer Vice-President has warned the world that you have only a few weeks left to stop this Genocide. If you don't, you will certainly regret it. The lies just keep coming from every angle and still people don't get it. 1370 days ago02:16 ElderOfZion has favorited a video Why You Can't Trust Boris Johnson Original content - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Azpi5kpzrPM Link to website - https://www.boris-johnson.com/2007/10/ www.stopworldcontrol.com Link to UK Governments Website confirming the downgrading of Covid19 on 19th March 2020 - https://www.gov.uk/guidance/high-consequence-infectious-diseases-hcid Learn The Risk (Brandy Vaughan) - https://... 1370 days ago02:14 ElderOfZion has favorited a video Boris Johnson's Decades-Old Ties to Israel Articles: https://www.i24news.tv/en Live: https://video.i24news.tv/page/live?clip=5a94117623eec6000c557fec Replay: https://video.i24news.tv/page/5a97b81f23eec6000c55857d?utm_source=youtube.com&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=the_rundown&utm_content=en2 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/i24newsEN/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/i24NEWS...