Peter Quiggins (Tierney) Killer Culture

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1. Have you reached the point of trauma, worrying about your family's future, about rolling an inheritance over to them, or just surviving this slow kill mental torture?

2. Are you aware of the sort of future that this, one sided racially motivated Zio-ideology has in-store for you and your family?

3. Do you realise you still have a chance of changing global politics and the financial control that manipulates chaos, plunder, anarchy and misery as they roll out one-sided racial hate policies to agitate and divide and rule? Well, read on;

I've been an ardent unofficial thinker for most of my life, always questioning the official narrative that eventually leads me to work outside of the norm; Early days; I chose self-employment that I'd wrongfully predicted would secure my family's future.

To the displeasure of the Town Hall cabal and (((their))) covert plans (planned obsolescence) I become very successful locally and nationally within the cottage and creative industries.

My true awakening to becoming Jew savvy was triggered having had subversive government policy finally forced
 on me by those Town Hall (((occupiers))) in 2006 resulting in the confiscation of my long-standing business and premises, 
rendering me and two hundred and fifty responsible bread-winners within our complex; homeless and without income, 
ordinary creative working people that I'd shielded from corporate gluttony and Town Hall bullying for over 20 years.

It wasn't until this date 2006 did I conclude that the "international Jew" the Jewish Central Banker crime families have the European/Caucasoid under siege, recognized as the hidden hand (enemy) within the halls of power so decided to engage in front line activism against this slow kill (((power structure))).

Needless to say, and with the benefit of hindsight I eventually realised I too had been guilty of advancing Zionism/Judaism 
through my ignorance, but after many thousands of hours of cross-section research with my younger brother and others, 
alongside my lifetime of experiences, I was able to retrace my footsteps and recognised the mistakes I'd made, and can now confidently interpret the psychological dialectic that farms us to self implode.

When we, without hesitation decided to step forward in 2006 and face down this (((pirate system))) seeing it had killed 
the will and spirit of our European folk, now recognising it as a forced agenda = Kalergi plan for the 
(((Jewish Central Banker Crime families))) and there in the loop Masonic, Zio-Global oligarchs intent on displacing 
and shuffling all Goyim around the world to change global demographics and erase our European footprint through war 
and a plethora of social engineered slow kill policies that forces integration to enable miscegenation that completes their 
objective to eventually kill off diversity by eradicating European blood.

As a result of losing my business in 2006, I eventually lost my family home 2013, a manufactured repossession by the Jewish
central banker crime families and had to move my disabled son to temporary accommodation (his mother's) while I couch 
surfed friends and family until I could secure a more stable environment, not realising how long it would take.

I eventually had to sign myself into Liverpool's YMCA homeless shelter in 2015, where I spent 9 months, which allowed me access to a charity register which is under a contrived obligation to rehouse me if I played along with their program. 
See here, Plunder¦ part 5/10 Refugee

I am now two years out of Liverpool's YMCA back with my son in a secure home having served a year of enlightenment
and adventure among the discarded. During my time in the city centre branch, the public library becomes a welcome sanctuary 
for me to access the web/net to remain active and in touch with global events and thank god for every minute spent
in that humbled position.

It was a consolidation of ideas why I became a content creator, I did so to punctuate the European/Caucasoid struggle circa 
2012 having decided to temporarily set aside the charade of party politics and patriotic street activism until we could 
recognise a mood swing in our favour. A major issue was that our uphill struggle and dedication had gradually depleted 
our equity to almost insolvency, which made us more determined and focused; in that, it stimulated a more productive 
attack and earned us the most from the least.

Lucky for us after many years of uphill struggle opportunities are now opening up, seeing and feeling the mood swing 
in our favour, now making it a priority for us all to man the pumps and increase production, whether it be 
through street evangelic activism or intellectual content, We all need to face down the JQ monster 
because the Goyim know that this Planed™emic,, this Phony-Coroni is another hoax¦ 
The Emperors New Clothes!

This is a global struggle for the whole of humanity.

Members of this new Black Power/Trans lash uprising (BLM), the mysterious phenomena that appeared from thin air, 
usedas a buffer and or, an attack dog to protect Jewish behaviour having been allotted the use of a separate, 
and distorted semantic away from anti-Semitism called racist that shelters Semitic trickery.
Blacks should listen to their blood brother MUHAMMAD ALI when he explained logic and preferring the right of return for 
all his folk!

or if not!.... listen to what the black activist Ayo Kamathi says re the Jew subject.

One should be asking why aren't the opportunities which Muhammad Ali speaks of heavily publicised to help these 
programmed, persecuted souls of BLM and Afro-centrists to find peace as shown here on this independent site, but then 
why should they when the Jew has programmed these newly empowered blacks to believe they are in line for a 
reparation pay-out as long as they remain as the buffer and attack dog to protect their slave masters. 
Ghana Calling, Ghana Calling...

The White Man's Burden and Black Dysfunctionality is business as usual for (((the Shetar))) -

I agree that blacks need to stand with all Goyim against Judaism to safeguard their ethni-groups and avoid their constant 
displacement from their historic homelands but, blacks and sub-Saharan groups are already favoured above the 
genetic continuity of the Europeans in this climate the inducements offered on arrival into our lands for these groups are 
lucrative and constant and will eventually wipe out the European; at which point diversity ends = Genocide! 

Bathed in Zio-Marxist freedom on arrival they don't even notice their short term usage as a weaponized Trojan horse, 
an attack dog that compounds competition between European ethni-groups, which is meant to deplete our gene pool and 
genetic kinship.

We are now faced with a proxy army of subcultures subverting our territorial birthplace for the ultimate benefit of 
the controlling Jewish homogeneous group of central banker crime families. So, considering these facts, and 
against all odds, the task is difficult enough trying to push water uphill. 

So unless the tide rapidly turns to unite our folk before (((their))) global reset succeeds, we don't need to curry favour, 
or go gooey over an awakened non-European/Caucasoid, nor do we need to depend on them. 
It is they who need to play catch up with us to stop these genocidal megalomaniacs/money changers/well poisoners 
who have poisoned our food chain and altered our genetic code.

We are a pivotal race who have proven our worth and compassion for humankind. So, unapologetically, 
all our folk should cast guilt aside and stand positively proud of our achievements and if non-Europeans 
choose to have us help them with their quest for justice I will then support 100% their fight back against 
our common enemy.

Time is against all goyim and still we are tiptoeing cap in hand around these favoured non-Europeans.

Judaism is in a constant battle for total control now manifesting as the Black Lives Matter ruse wolf crying 
the white privilege semantic used to racially attack our ethnie-group, another weaponized Zio-Marxist phrase 
"Kill whitey" meant to agitate racial tensions and divide European genetic kinship to guilt and coward us 
into submission, and to stop us reproducing ....

We are a far cry from 100 years ago when we represented 33% of the worlds population now 
configured at only 8%, of which 2% is of child bearing age and rapidly depleting as they discourage 
in-group preference for our folk while encouraging non Europeans to miscegenate outside of their 
own to accelerate (((their))) prophetic Kalergi plan to breed a new rootless type of people, and when doing so, 
for them not to lose sight of their distant heritage but stampede over ours....

Stand up; We have nothing to be sorry for!!

WWII was a lie..... Wake up from your slumber!  EUROPA - The Last Battle [Part 1 of 10] 

Keep all Jews and their Marxist foot-soldiers out of education, Medea, central banking, administration and party politics.

We are all duty bound one way or another so our content/contributions, and Duty will continue for as long as it takes.

National Socialism will implement Autarkratic Meritocracy which stands on national principles alongside 
the social conscience that works the economy bottom upwards instead of this  top downwards 
corporate system which is killing us. Our economic system will rein victorious once implemented which 
can only happen if the the Jew is unmasked, then put on trial, and maybe evicted to.. 
No ...Not Israel .... Oblast (((them))) to (((Birobidzhan))) and make it 110!

Help support the Jews in their confusing plight to recognize they already have an independent region of  "Oblast".

At the same time we should signal a peaceful call to action for Remedy! with "The War Referendum"

Gott mit uns¦. Peter Quiggins

EUROPA - The Last Battle [Part 1 of 10]