JewsAreParasites followers 0 Your Subscription JewsAreParasites - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Pictures Music Documents Blogs Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 552 days ago18:48 JewsAreParasites has liked a video Virginia Maryland and Washington DC Bloodstained Men Fall Tour Sche... We have to be as relentless as the doctors are. 1160 days ago19:49 JewsAreParasites has liked a video American Circumcision Freaks Out Danish Woman A Danish woman is shocked that American parents are offered a circumcision choice for their baby in the hospital. She has never met or known a Danish man who had it done to him. Brother K spoke to her on Michigan Avenue at the Chicago Circumcision Crisis Protest 1.0. 1160 days ago16:16 JewsAreParasites has liked a video Steve Kidd Interviews Peter Adler In short, circumcision is violence masquerading as medicine. It is unethical and unlawful, so physicians are not allowed to perform the operation or to offer it to parents. 1160 days ago15:21 JewsAreParasites has liked a video Christopher Guest on Circumcision Christopher Guest, MD, FRCPC, medical director of Children's Health & Human Rights Partnership reveals his understanding of the complex human rights issue of genital integrity and how to discuss it with prospective parents. 1207 days ago11:54 JewsAreParasites has favorited a video "Niggas didn't build no Pyramids" African American Admits Blacks didn't build the Pyramids. He pleads for his people to stop promoting the idea. 1219 days ago15:51 JewsAreParasites has liked a video They're in it For the Money Bloodstained Men board member & press spokesman, Harry Guiremand, interviews Michael McGrath, a Colorado man whose poignant story will shock and appall you. His wife's Ob/Gyn told him that his twin daughters were born premature because HE was not circumcised. This is just more proof that cutter doctors make up preposterous excuses to ma... 1220 days ago18:12 JewsAreParasites has liked a video How Kurin Emerick Became an Intactivist Many parents make the life changing decision to circumcise their sons without being educated on the truth of what goes on behind those hospital doors, keep in mind that there are a lot of lies out there about boys being circumcised being the best option but it’s not at all medically necessary. 1243 days ago06:29 JewsAreParasites has liked a video 1243 days ago18:25 JewsAreParasites has liked a stream CONFRONTING JOHN HAGEE AT HIS JEW WORSHIPING ZIONIST CHURCH Donate to hate