AH1889 followers 0 Your Subscription AH1889 - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Pictures Music Documents Blogs Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 1336 days ago00:40 AH1889 has liked a video LifeSite News and the "Diabolical Re-Emergence of Antisemitism... LifeSite News, the premier outlet for pro-life news and information has recently published an opinion piece titled "Christians must resist the diabolical re-emergence of antisemitism." Dr. E. Michael Jones, the editor of Culture Wars magazine, is joined by Dana Pavlic to discuss some of the implications of this. Article from LifeSite: ... 1336 days ago23:35 AH1889 has liked a video Remember Your Enemies, Remember Your Families Follow me on Gab: https://gab.com/BadGoy95 GoyimTv: https://www.goyimtv.tv/channel/3209194484/WeWuz_Kangz Email: WeWuz_KangzOfficial@protonmail.com If you'd like to support the channel, please donate to the following XMR (recommended): 4BHtKdqDorcT5nkqvtcLuqeb7BM8P8Kd7HKswuZ7HMunAcBB9wwLKJodiRuGpDDHEZYRcjZYNvq6BEAMwXWbJFTEGF2nxMr Other... 1340 days ago18:00 AH1889 has liked a video NHS Doctor Speaks Out: ‘The lies have been so vast it’s been im... now this is a doctor with a conscience,more better start following suit or else! to hear a doctor come out with the same facts many of us have stated right from the start is refreshing, how many people will have the nerve to call this man a conspiracy theorist! this is being played to all those who brushed me off right from the start and i think... 1340 days ago17:46 AH1889 has liked a video President of Haiti May Have Been Assassinated by the CIA for Refusi... note: I'm aware red elephant is a shill but this particular video has good info 1340 days ago17:09 AH1889 has liked a video Here is how to tell if some of the foods you are eating are real - ... Some simple food tests you can do at home. 1340 days ago17:03 AH1889 has liked a video Ukrainians want to apologize for the Holocaust, but it's a two... Translated - Excerpt of remarks by Dmytro Korchynsky on Babyn Yar, Kyiv, Ukraine, October 2011. - Dmytro Korchynsky: I, like most Ukrainians, would like to absolutely very much apologize to the Jewish people, for our participation in the Jewish Holocaust - 0:22 First, let's take the 70th anniversary of the Babyn Yar (massacre) - 0:38 V... 1340 days ago17:02 AH1889 has liked a video Jewish ADL tell Ukrainians to keep silent about their real Holocaus... â£â£â£BOMBSHELL BOSTON BOMBINGS FALSE FLAG ALL CRISIS ACTORS YOU CAN ACTUALLY SEE THE FAKE WOUNDS WAKE UP https://www.bitchute.com/video/2QTyhN00x4XY/ SANDY HOOK FALSE FLAG HOW QUICKLY THE ZIONIST TARGETING PROGRAM CAN INFILTRATE YOUR NEIGHBORHOOD https://www.bitchute.com/video/AxDdYg37zcAp/ BOSTON BOMBINGS FALSE FLAG HEIGHT TREASON CAUGHT ON...