parzival91 followers 0 Your Subscription parzival91 - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Pictures Music Documents Blogs Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 422 days ago10:25 parzival91 has commented on The Truth About President Richard Nixon @systheguy: and nixon was the guy who won 60% of the popular vote and 49 states in the election of 1972! just tells you how powerfull these joos are that they could force the most popular leader of the free world to resign 427 days ago12:54 parzival91 has commented on There is Only Jew/Anti-Jew, Jan 13, 2024 well your free to think what you wantabout 45 but the fact remains the deep state stole the election and continues to fear him, unless you think its all an act but i dont. and anyway a public figure cannot reveal everything at once to the public and i believe strongly that the best way is to show them 429 days ago11:01 parzival91 has liked a video The White Man's Burden and Black Dysfunctionality Fundamentally there are three basic races-the Caucasoid or White Race, the Mongoloid and Negroid or Black race. The parasitic mixed race Jewish tribe manipulates all three. Members of a given race have a common ancestry and display increased genetic similarity making them in some way genetically different from individuals belonging to another ra... 436 days ago10:19 parzival91 has liked a video The Seed of the Serpent None 437 days ago03:14 parzival91 has liked a video In Defense of Monarchy (By The Fascifist) None 438 days ago11:52 parzival91 has liked a video China Awake | Chapter 1 - China Today (A Documentary Series By The ... [All the credit goes to the Fascifist, go subscribe to him, the links are down in the description.] China Awake explores the history of China as a nation, its traditions and customs and how they relate to Christianity and prophecies of Jesus Christ. It continues with an exploration and comparison of the rise of the Christian Faith in China with ...