Leo Max Frank followers 19 Your Subscription Leo Max Frank - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Pictures Music Documents Blogs Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 523 days ago02:38 leomaxfrank has uploaded a video 12 The Leo Frank Case Chapter VIII Frank's Story Atlanta, ... In Chapter 8 of "The Leo Frank Case", Judge W.D. Ellis swore in the Fulton County grand jury to investigate the Mary Phagan murder case (which happened on April 26, 1913 in Atlanta, Georgia). Leo M. Frank, a general superintendent at the National Pencil Company in Atlanta, testified that he was unaware of Mary Phagan's employee nu... 687 days ago18:16 leomaxfrank has uploaded a video Chapter 7: The Mary Phagan Inquest Starts In Atlanta Georgia - Part... The Inquest Begins in Chapter 7 The coroner's inquest began on Wednesday morning, following a lengthy interview between Frank and Newt Lee at the police station on Tuesday night. According to detectives, the two suspects were brought face to face in the expectation that Frank might elicit a confession of guilt from the negro. Hundreds of wi... 738 days ago16:31 leomaxfrank has uploaded a video 1964 Profiles In Courage: Governor John Slaton (Colorized With Arti... The video is the story of Governor John Marshall "Jack" Slaton (December 25th, 1866 - January 11th, 1955) of Georgia, who in the early 1900s lessened Leo Frank's sentencing. Leo Max Frank had been convicted of and sentenced to death for raping and murdering a young girl. 1964 Profiles in Courage, a Jewish supremacist Hollywood dra... 744 days ago10:49 leomaxfrank has uploaded a video Family of Little Mary Phagan reflects on case 744 days ago10:46 leomaxfrank has uploaded a video EXCLUSIVE: Review of notorious murder case angers Mary Phagan'... Mary Phagan-Kean and her family are upset at witnessing a lifetime of unjust efforts to have the conviction of a homicidal pedophile, overturned and vacated. This is the ultimate injustice for all the children in the world who were raped and murdered by sexual perverts like Leo Frank. Phagan Kean believes Leo Max Frank was guilty as charged base... 744 days ago10:40 leomaxfrank has uploaded a video Archives reveal troubling details of Leo Frank case 745 days ago21:02 leomaxfrank has uploaded a video Watson's Magazine August 1915: The Leo Frank Case Read by John... DISCLAIMER: This audiobook is for informational purposes only. THE LAWS OF Georgia are extraordinarily favorable to a person accused of crime. He is not only protected in all of his rights under the Constitution of the United States, but he enjoys privileges far beyond those limits. No indictment against him will stand, if it can be shown that ... 745 days ago20:52 leomaxfrank has uploaded a video Watson’s Magazine March 1915: The Leo Frank Case Read by John de ... DISCLAIMER: This audiobook is for informational purposes only. ON THE 23rd page of Puck, for the week ending January 16, 1915, there is, in the smallest possible type, in the smallest possible space, at the bottom of the page, the notice of ownership, required by law. Originally posted on The American Mercury: theamericanmercury.org/2014/03/t... 745 days ago20:47 leomaxfrank has uploaded a video Tom Watson's Magazine: January 1915 Read by John de Nugent DISCLAIMER: This audiobook is for informational purposes only. AN AGED MILLIONAIRE of New York had a lawyer named Patrick, and this lawyer poisoned his old client, forged a will in his own favor; was tried, convicted and sentenced—and is now at liberty, a pardoned man... #LeoFrank #LeoFrankTrial #JohndeNugent #BlackLivesMatter Watch on ... 745 days ago20:14 leomaxfrank has uploaded a video Profiles In Courage (Episode Number 6): Governor John M. Slaton - (... The video is the story of Governor John Marshall "Jack" Slaton (December 25th, 1866 - January 11th, 1955) of Georgia, who in the early 1900s lessened Leo Frank's sentencing. Leo Max Frank had been convicted of and sentenced to death for raping and murdering a young girl. 1964 Profiles in Courage, a Jewish supremacist Hollywood dra...