FullmetalBradley followers 0 Your Subscription FullmetalBradley - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Pictures Music Documents Blogs Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 135 days ago06:04 FullmetalBradley has uploaded a video Awareness Can Strengthen Comprehension Awareness increases ones level of conscious perception- This is what my videos do- Raise your level of conscious awareness, by watching my posts Thank you for reading- 135 days ago06:03 FullmetalBradley has uploaded a video COMP westruther Shares Forward Assembly of things that you likely will appreciate seeing different clips put together in one post and more after this one- 135 days ago06:03 FullmetalBradley has uploaded a video Some Things To Think About, westruther Short comp some you may have seen and some you may not have seen before- 'CHEERS' 139 days ago17:06 FullmetalBradley has uploaded a video Conscious Awareness Depths Of Perception What is going on with my channel? Why are all my videos being blocked? If there be a reason then shouldn't I be aware of any reasonable explanation? Or is there a God involved that answers to no one or other thing? 140 days ago16:42 FullmetalBradley has uploaded a video Things Continue To Repeat, New Players, Same Agendas Everything is just a 'repeat', and new players but the same agendas- Make people to be dependent on THEM- Everything you need to live on; THEY want to control, and it's going that way faster than minds can keep up with- 142 days ago03:52 FullmetalBradley has uploaded a video Who Tended The Helm Of COVID Third part, my hope is to leave something in your mind- Try to stay safe and do Be-Well- Thanks for reading- 142 days ago14:24 FullmetalBradley has uploaded a video See Who Has The Power pt2 Part 2 of some more- If the shoot will allow them to upload- THEY are blocking me a lot lately- THEY block all my comments- LOL A video gets 200 views and no comments LOL- 143 days ago17:37 FullmetalBradley has uploaded a video What you Need to Know about ISRAEL!! GET YOUR MONEY OUT OF THE BANK AND GET GOLD AND SILVER IN YOUR HANDS CLOCK IS TICKING. REAL GOLD NOT FIAT PAPER OR 1S AND 0S www.Richielikesgold.com https://kfor.com/news/local/multiple-people-report-odd-symptoms-following-mosquito-bites-in-oklahom… 143 days ago17:35 FullmetalBradley has uploaded a video THEY Got The Power Series short clips, and very short clips explaining to any ears that can hear, just a few things about Trump, and some situations in America 145 days ago04:43 FullmetalBradley has liked a stream Late Night Live With Rosenthal & Susie Chan HALLOWEEN! ENTROPY: https://entropystream.live/HaroldRosenthal GAB: https://gab.com/HaroldRosenthal TELEGRAM: https://t.me/+4Mde3WsgctMxYWUx POAST: https://poa.st/@HaroldRosenthal FLOOD.SOCIAL: https://flood.social/HaroldRosenthal BITCHUTE: bitchute.com/channel/tOoYDs31piNn/ GOYIMTV: https://goyimtv.com/channel/3097219260/HaroldRosenthal ...