ZyklonB followers 0 Your Subscription ZyklonB - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Pictures Music Documents Blogs Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 1413 days ago09:15 ZyklonB has liked a video Who is the Real Oskar Dirlewanger? 1414 days ago02:29 ZyklonB has liked a video Say No To Anal Worms In Your Jurisdiction Relevant links to expand your mind. https://www.goyimtv.tv/v/3614636070/Rabbi-tells-his-Jewish-students-they-are-special-aliens-from-outer-space https://www.goyimtv.tv/v/3496315317/The-Jewish-Race-Is-ALIEN---Mini-Documentary- https://www.goyimtv.tv/v/1360624593/How-the-Third-Reich-Overcame-the-Talmudic-Treaty-of-Versailles--MIRROR- Mirror:He... 1415 days ago07:01 ZyklonB has liked a video Did Prabhupada Say Hitler Was A Saktyavesa-avatara? http://truth.prabhupada.org.uk/did-prabhupada-say-hitler-was-a-saktyavesa-avatara In this video i establish with Prabhupada's direct quotes that Hitler was a saktyavesa-avatara specifically empowered to cut down rogues and demons namely Jewish Bolshevism. Mukunda Dasa: The main point is that Hitler Protected and saved Europe. The Lord emp...