WeedNoseTheWise followers 9 Your Subscription WeedNoseTheWise - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Pictures Music Documents Blogs Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 467 days ago19:05 WeedNoseTheWise has uploaded a video Hohe Nacht der klaren Sterne Das beste Lied zur Wintersonnenwende von Hans Baumann (1914-1988). Es wurde erstmals in der Sammlung "Wir zünden das Feuer" (Jena 1936) als Bestandteil der umfangreicheren Chordichtung "Den Müttern" veröffentlicht. 1. Hohe Nacht der klaren Sterne, Die wie weite Brücken stehn Über einer tiefen Ferne, D'rüber unsre Herze... 612 days ago22:38 WeedNoseTheWise has liked a video 196th GOYIMTV.COM LIVESTREAM: JEW PEDO CARTOONS, WHITE GENOCIDE! DE... 196th GOYIMTV.COM LIVESTREAM: JEW PEDO CARTOONS, WHITE GENOCIDE! DEMOCRACY IS A JEWISH SCAM YA DUMB ASS! 634 days ago03:41 WeedNoseTheWise has liked a video 183rd GOYIMTV.COM LIVESTREAM: HT on Omegle !!! Having Issues watching stream? go here https://odysee.com/@Handsome_Truth:4/183rd-GTV:3 881 days ago00:28 WeedNoseTheWise has liked a video Communism's Death Toll and the Jewish Role in Bolshevism by Ma... Videos, written works, etc I share are not my creations unless otherwise specified. #Worldwar2 #wwii #nationalsocialism #thirdreich #nsdap #jwo #nwo #communismkills #whitegenocide #music #EuropeanPride #Wehrmacht #WorldWar1 #wwi #TreatyofVersailles #jewworldorder #betterdeadthanred #newworldorder #greatestally 884 days ago22:28 WeedNoseTheWise has liked a stream 886 days ago23:34 WeedNoseTheWise has liked a stream THE HONK-O-CAUST KANYE WEST L.A. BANNER DROP If you support our work... Please Donate DONATE TO HATE! Entropy SUPER CHAT: https://entropystream.live/app/HT Bitcoin: bc1q6k3fwg07m64j03h9v9y9d4ad5r4q63w54jqlw3 Monero: 82UG9Ev2GLV6ADYovES5SJG5rdcbLbvkjY7otvzAVsJdDc7aJPJdADE3nb87mm5TuY97EvT2GggovBRag84YmtKR3jWoaBj Ethereum: 0x5155Db38aE3515651FD48515EF0954C88946a824 Bitcoin Cash: qqfw88... 887 days ago01:18 WeedNoseTheWise has liked a video 299th GOYIMTV.TV LIVESTREAM: HT on Omegle !!! DONATE TO HATE! Entropy SUPER CHAT: https://entropystream.live/app/HT Bitcoin: bc1q6k3fwg07m64j03h9v9y9d4ad5r4q63w54jqlw3 Monero: 82UG9Ev2GLV6ADYovES5SJG5rdcbLbvkjY7otvzAVsJdDc7aJPJdADE3nb87mm5TuY97EvT2GggovBRag84YmtKR3jWoaBj Ethereum: 0x5155Db38aE3515651FD48515EF0954C88946a824 Bitcoin Cash: qqfw88qvh8psc29vh0sk5kn270du2l4j7u35jaheda Lite... 887 days ago20:40 WeedNoseTheWise has liked a video American Nazi Party Anthem - Horst wessel lied american version (Ve... It was founded in February 1959 by George Lincoln Rockwell , who immediately took the title of "Commander" and refused that of "Secretary". The party's first headquarters, located in Arlington , Virginia , contained a visitor center located at 2507 North Franklin. After Rockwell's assassination in 1967, the neo-Nazi... 889 days ago04:11 WeedNoseTheWise has liked a video What Will Happen If You Start Eating 2 Dates Every Day for a Week Do you like dates? Let's be honest; they don't usually pop up in our brain whenever we think about healthy foods. And that's a real bummer since this fruit has tons of undeniable advantages for our health. So what would happen if you ate them daily? If you wanna add dates to your diet, you have to follow a couple of simple rules...