megazen followers 0 Your Subscription megazen - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Pictures Music Documents Blogs Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 898 days ago09:36 megazen has liked a video The Emperors New Clothes! If video gets blocked follow link to JoshTv here - The Emperor's New Clothes! Zio-Democracy, in a psychological dialectic and with an astute marketing trick, engineers the irrational stupid's into consenting to chaos while programming the same stupid's into fear, self-desire, and or to consu... 899 days ago07:25 megazen has liked a video All your public debt is prepaid! 899 days ago07:21 megazen has favorited a video All your public debt is prepaid! 1007 days ago07:59 megazen has liked a video David Goldberg's Final Words: Classified Docs Reveal Extermina... In David Goldberg's final video before his death, he reveals two classified projects underway - Project Pogo and Project Zyphr. David Goldberg speaks of Project Pogo a campaign to censor users online and provide gatekeepers and shills in order to stifle American free speech. Project Zyphr seems to be geared towards an extermination of tens ... 1007 days ago07:10 megazen has favorited a video How Jews will use Blue Tooth frequency and Nanobotted Slaves agains... M: A new networking scheme has been introduced that is not reliant on the Internet. It is called Bluetooth Mesh Networking and allows inter-device connectivity via radio only. This video will explain the technology which uses Bluetooth Low Energy as its foundation. This networking technology is touted as a great...