Thule1488 followers 4 Your Subscription Thule1488 - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Pictures Music Documents Blogs Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 191 days ago14:18 Thule1488 has liked a video How to celebrate Yule/Christmas as a Pagan? Christmas/Yule is an ancient ritual of reincarnation, preceded by a symbolic pregnancy. Always remember that these rituals are not superstitions, but real tools to remember (see my video about Amnesia) My books: "The Secret of the She-Bear" available on Amazon: 256 days ago11:07 Thule1488 has liked music 15. Angry Aryans - NAACP 15. Angry Aryans - NAACP 266 days ago14:11 Thule1488 has uploaded a video Wolfnacht - Blutgebunden Full Album 266 days ago14:10 Thule1488 has uploaded a video Wolfnacht - Die Wächter Europas 266 days ago14:09 Thule1488 has uploaded a video Wolfnacht - På Vikingtog 266 days ago14:08 Thule1488 has uploaded a video Goatmoon - Son of the Northwind Full EP 266 days ago14:08 Thule1488 has uploaded a video Wolfnacht - Wotansvolk Erwache 266 days ago14:07 Thule1488 has uploaded a video Wolfnacht - Project Ordensburg Full Album 266 days ago14:06 Thule1488 has uploaded a video Wolfnacht - Eternal Winter (Absurd Cover) 266 days ago14:06 Thule1488 has uploaded a video Der Sturmer - Sieg Heil Vaterland