daniel1806 followers 0 Your Subscription daniel1806 - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Pictures Music Documents Blogs Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 1160 days ago15:47 daniel1806 has disliked a video 1162 days ago12:15 daniel1806 has disliked a video 1164 days ago14:48 daniel1806 has disliked a video 1230 days ago11:42 daniel1806 has liked a video EVEN THE NATIVES ARE SAYING NO TO THE PRUNE JUICE!!! Not sure what county this is from, but the original source said Australia, but then several people commented that these were not a tribe in Australia. Anyway they seem real upset about something 1242 days ago12:40 daniel1806 has disliked a video 1253 days ago17:30 daniel1806 has liked a video A political TV debate as it should be in every white country A political TV debate as it should be in every white country 1258 days ago10:48 daniel1806 has liked a video The Jewish Terrorist Groups Poinsoning German Prisoners (Holodomor ... An attempt to murder millions of Germans from 4 Major Cities during WW2 and also POW's by Jewish terrorist Groups backed by England & America's Jews and Zionist's 1273 days ago16:04 daniel1806 has liked a video Every American Must Know (USS LIBERTY) Every American Must Know (USS LIBERTY) 1285 days ago15:12 daniel1806 has liked a video E Micheal Jones Interview Minus Alex Jones - 11/30/2019 - InfoWars Who runs the A*D*L and why do they control America ?