ImpartialHistory followers 23 Your Subscription ImpartialHistory - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Pictures Music Documents Blogs Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 1702 days ago17:12 ImpartialHistory has liked a video Samisdat - Ernst Zundel - Interviewed by an Israeli Journalist (Ful... Please consider taking an offline copy before censorship prevents you. Full list of videos with quick download option on Homepage This video is one of the most hard-hitting interviews that Ernst Zundel ever gave to one of his political enemies !! A stunning interview addressing the c... 1718 days ago01:48 ImpartialHistory has liked a video "Minister Farrakhan Declares Holy Termite War" by Love Li... Termites (the SATANIC JEW) Are Monsters -- Would You Like to Know More? This video was created by "Love Life and Anarchy". Here is a link to the channel: 1719 days ago01:29 ImpartialHistory has liked a video DOCUMENTING ANTIFA THREATS Link to article: 1720 days ago06:22 ImpartialHistory has uploaded a video On the Character of Karl Marx By VertigoPolitix. New YouTube Channel: Bitchute channel: GTV: - Features truthful videos that are not censored. Download all Thulean Perspective videos here: https://drive.googl... 1720 days ago05:55 ImpartialHistory has uploaded a video The J-Pill in 60 seconds. New YouTube Channel: Bitchute channel: GTV: - Features truthful videos that are not censored. Sources: Wikipedia  Download all Thulean Perspective videos here: https://drive.... 1723 days ago03:51 ImpartialHistory has liked a video FORMER BLACK LIVES MATTER MEMBER EXPOSES (((BLM))) AS a JEWISH MOVE... Former Black Lives Matter Ferguson Organizer, Chaziel Sunz exposed BLM, Democrats, ANTIFA, etc. In 2017, Chaziel Sunz shined the light on who pays for ANTIFA, Black Lives Matter, what the plan is of the Democratic Party using the groups. 1723 days ago01:42 ImpartialHistory has uploaded a video Waffen SS in combat, very intense, very rare None