Natureswastika followers 0 Your Subscription Natureswastika - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Pictures Music Documents Blogs Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 190 days ago23:08 Natureswastika has liked a video Anti-White Shill Sneako 196 days ago03:24 Natureswastika has liked a video I explain why jewsa (usa) is a finished shit take this video down into the ass, especially the clowns living in the jewsa 😂 196 days ago03:17 Natureswastika has liked a video I EXPLAIN WHY jewSA [USA] IS A FINISHED SHIT The Jewsa complete destruction starts mainly when they lost the east asia war (false name pacific war) and make the surrender of all invaded asian countries. Jewsa lost and surrendered the Philippines, UK lost and surrendered India, Malaysia, etc etc.. Since that point the Jewsa Jewnited prostitutes of israel are lost ethnically and socially. Gi... 197 days ago08:58 Natureswastika has commented on # 476. Are migrants taking peoples pets ? #news this is where the 1st Amendment comes into play, just shoot them 197 days ago07:07 Natureswastika has commented on WHY DIDN'T HE JUST READ MEIN KAMPF WITH HI... that's the kind of language you speak to black devils. the only language they speak is violence, calling them niggers does nothing but make them even more violent. 199 days ago03:04 Natureswastika has commented on Harvey Birdman 9/9/24 Rotersand - We Will Kill Them All (HH Version): Download the FHD version from here: 205 days ago04:52 Natureswastika has disliked a video Plant Based Diet What I Eat in a Day | Plant Based Diet Workout My name is Bam BAAM I am the founder of LetsDoSomePullups. I believe in a holistic approach to health that includes calisthenics, a vegan diet, and free mind. I was raised in both Nigeria and Brooklyn and learn you don't need a gym membership to be fit. you don't need short cuts to reach your goal fitness goals the world id your gym an... 209 days ago16:55 Natureswastika has commented on Japan Is Getting More Diverse When I get over there I will help fix this problem... fuck these trashy subhumans.