MormonismISSatanism followers 0 Your Subscription MormonismISSatanism - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Pictures Music Documents Blogs Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 259 days ago09:27 MormonismISSatanism has commented on Pres Trump secret service sniper taking out sho... Why was Vincent Fusca saying "Wait, wait, wait"? 268 days ago19:13 MormonismISSatanism has commented on WHY THE BOOK OF ENOCH WAS REMOVED Proof: Noah was white!!! So his 3 sons were at least half white or more. Jesus was light skinned with golden hair and blue eyes per Josephus' account of what Pilot said and Pilot knew. 269 days ago11:54 MormonismISSatanism has liked a video Vivek is a LYING Globalist! mirrored from Rumble POP channel POP = Pissed Off Patriot 273 days ago04:51 MormonismISSatanism has commented on Pastor: Marjorie Taylor Greene Should OBEY Her ... Another BETA male false "pastor" who gets off on dominating women and does NOT know the Scriptures. It was the CURSE on the woman after the fall "Your desire will be for your husband and he will rule over you." God said "Why are you back sliding? Don't you know that I have created a new thing in the earth, a woman shall compass a man." The CURSE on women was broken by Jesus. Paul is an antichrist just like Joseph Smith Jr. He did NOT see Jesus on the road to Damascus. These BETA male fake "pastors" sure want to rule and reign over women. Males like this one here are the cause of feminism and a damn good reason for a woman never to get married. 313 days ago01:50 MormonismISSatanism has liked a video THE NIGGERS & THE KIKES - A MATCH MADE IN HELL 322 days ago02:43 MormonismISSatanism has liked a video The Jewish Family Tree Of Donald Trump Donald Trump's original family last name was "Drumpf", which is a prominent Bavarian Jewish name. The name of Trump's grandfather, Friedrich Drumpf, was anglicized to Frederick Trump, but he died several years before the report. Donald Trump's grandfather Friedrich Drumpf was born on March 14th 1869, in Kallstadt, Pfa... 324 days ago17:26 MormonismISSatanism has liked a video Ryan Messano Responds, May 24, 2023 Jews are the problem 325 days ago08:01 MormonismISSatanism has liked a video Jim Presents - Holocaust Exposed, Apr 2, 2024 As the emperor (The story, THE EMPEROR'S NEW CLOTHES) was exposed, so IS and WILL the Holocaust.