TasiaS followers 1 Your Subscription TasiaS - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Pictures Music Documents Blogs Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 817 days ago13:53 TasiaS has liked a video The Rainbow Democracy Trick The War Referendum. https://www.goyimtv.tv/d/3560813656/2-The-War-Referendum--&lsaquo ........................................................................... Peter Quiggins (Tierney) Killer Culture https://peterquiggins0.wixsite.com/peter-quiggins--tier/en/post/the-war-referendum?fbclid=IwAR0E2gWdEcgZ1bKq50AmlthoHLyD989845H5hWpHGOcA... 958 days ago23:51 TasiaS has liked a video Murdoch Murdock episode 1 - 64 60 gorillion episode mash up of Murdock Murdock Oye vey 958 days ago23:13 TasiaS has liked a video REVOLUTION by andkons Andkons 959 days ago23:55 TasiaS has favorited a video Government by Deception: Audiobook I wrote Government by Deception and published it in 2001 as a warning to the Whites of South Africa, especially the Boers about the Black Ruling part of South Africa that has ruled this country without any breaks, since 1994. In this book I draw parallels between ZANU PF, the Communists who rule Zimbabwe and the ANC (African National Congres... 959 days ago23:20 TasiaS has liked a video Government by Deception: Audiobook I wrote Government by Deception and published it in 2001 as a warning to the Whites of South Africa, especially the Boers about the Black Ruling part of South Africa that has ruled this country without any breaks, since 1994. In this book I draw parallels between ZANU PF, the Communists who rule Zimbabwe and the ANC (African National Congres... 959 days ago23:01 TasiaS has liked a video Firestorm Over Dresden If you haven’t worked it out yet! The war was in fact; a Jew banker war that allowed (((them))) to take back control of Europe, back under the control of “Jewish usury†= (((Central Banking))) the evil system that had been outcast by the National Socialists who dared to replace it and free themselves with an interest-free system, under ... 959 days ago22:54 TasiaS has liked a video The Cause of World Unrest... PLEASE SEE ALSO: Europa: The Last Battle: https://www.bitchute.com/video/YDyz9eZKkSQv/ 3 Minute Preview - Europa: The Last Battle: https://www.bitchute.com/video/KAuRj7aOVKOt/ Compilation of White Genocide Quotes: https://www.bitchute.com/video/3hCKTt3umKKz/ Wondering What The "Great Reset" Is REALLY All About?: https://www... 976 days ago14:09 TasiaS has liked a video SHE GOT THE VACCINE Then dies during live stream That's what happens when you throw a clot to the heart or brain. It's either instant rigor(brain) or dead chicken(heart). That isn't a convulsive episode. She's dead. And she was vaccinated.