Truth Just Ahead
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Joined May 18, 2020
Joined May 18, 2020
This channel is dedicated to finding our real history. To unraveling the mysteries that surround both our past, present, and future events. Together I believe we can cut through the deception and expose the lies. My personal belief is Jesus Christ is the most important figure in human history. Once you realize who He truly is (God in the flesh) and the simple message of the gospel (That Christ died for our sins according to Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day) than you're in good shape. I also firmly believe that exposing Organized Jewry is the key to unraveling the deception. Please download and share all this information. All I ask is to give credit to the original researchers. Take care and God bless! Highly Recommended Researchers: Reverend Ted Pike (Sometimes the website can only be accessed through Google or another search engine). Andrew Carrington Hitchcock Texe Marrs