CADU1995 followers 0 Your Subscription CADU1995 - Change Subscription Activity About Videos Pictures Music Documents Blogs Playlists Discussion More Channels Followers Following Recent Activity 1483 days ago15:28 CADU1995 has liked a video The Nazino Gulag Cannibal Island The Gulag was the Jewish NKVD system of forced labour and extermination camps. Any person suspected of disagreeing with the Jewish Bolshevik Government could be kidnaped by the Jewish secret police or Cheka and deported to a Gulag. The most infamous of these camps was the desolate island of Nazino also known as Cannibal Island. Among the many at... 1501 days ago01:01 CADU1995 has liked a video Satanic Pedophilia, Torture and Blood: Dark Satanic Secrets Revealed The darkest truth you will ever learn about. Watch at your own risk. Jesus is king of kings. Although this documentary was made by a Muslim, there is a lot of good information so don’t throw the baby out with the bath water...that’s what satanists do. 1567 days ago20:55 CADU1995 has liked a video Container full of Aborted Babies found in Jewish Doctor's Back... This video says it all, these people are sick and of their father the devil! And I'm sick of you anti Christian excuse specialists. If we evolved from nothing and life is just random chance maybe the A.C.L.JEW is right on this one, what's the big deal about a truck load of ripped apart babies?. Whether you have participated in this ... 1572 days ago11:25 CADU1995 has liked a video 58th GOYIMTV.COM LIVESTREAM: Jew Vaccines, Elvis & Blacks Ft. A... HOW TO DONATE: GoyimTV Merch: Zelle: Cashapp: $goyimtv Bitcoin: 1P3pqQQvgKMnvuMgs8FYfGbbbX3yMqTqTs Buy us an Amazog giftcard and email to: Mail in a Check or Money Order made to: HandsomeTruth Enterprises Box 248 911 Lakeville St Petaluma, California 9...